Iran under mullahs is world’s second most miserable nation, ranking reveals



NCRI – Iran under the mullahs rule has been ranked second out of 90 countries in the world Misery Index which rates the quality of life of the population.

The theocratic regime came only second to Venezuela in the table which studies inflation, unemployment, lending rates and the growth of GDP per capita.

It is Iran’s soaring annual inflation of 34.7 per cent, according to their Central Bank figures, which gave it a score of 61.6, behind Venezuela on 79.4.

Petrol prices in Iran were hiked by around 75 per cent last Friday, and came after more evidence of poverty in the regime when two days earlier 95 per cent of Iranians signed up for state aid, ignoring a government campaign urging people to forgo handouts.

The authors of the ranking carried out by US-based think-tank the Cato Institute said: “For most people, quality of life is important. They prefer lower inflation, the lowest unemployment rate, lowest loan rates, and the highest GDP per capita.”

Iran’s per capita income in 2013 has been estimated at the equivalent of $12,800, but the minimum monthly wage is fixed at $185, leaving many low earners depending on the direct aid..

Eight months after taking office as the president of the clerical regime in Iran, Hassan Rouhani has suffered a major political defeat, with the public overwhelmingly brushing aside his appeals to forgo direct government aid.

The state-run daily newspaper Mardomsalari described Rouhani’s campaign as a ‘clearly evident failure’, adding in an editorial: “Bombarding the people with appeals was more tiring than it was convincing. It totally flopped.”


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