Iran’s economic crisis could cause social unrest, regime’s economist warns

NCRI – An economy expert close to the Iranian regime has declared that the economic collapse in Iran has entered an uncontrollable stage.

Mohsen Ranani, in his speech at Isfahan’s Chamber of Industries and Mines, said, “Iran’s economy is in a black-hole-like situation. When a system enters a black hole, it either remains in the black hole until all its energy is lost or it can come out the situation by a big choke.”

On August 12, the Iranian Economy web site quoted Ranani as saying “what we are facing today is an accumulation of 30 years of crises. Crisis in daily and temporary management, crisis in planning systems, crisis in financial and budget systems, crisis in banking systems, crisis in judicial systems and in prisons, crisis in education systems, crisis in production systems, crisis in health systems, and other crises”

He explained:

“It can be said that at a macro division we are facing three crises, any of which could lead to social unrest and may reach an unmanageable point.

In the political arena, due to divisions in power sharing, multitude of political leadership and lack of united political management, the political system has entered a crisis. Parallel management and multiple and incoherent goals caused heterogeneous groups and political factions to take over part of the power and authority and work independently. Now that the energy and internal reserves of the system have reached their end, the system is facing crisis. As long as there is oil revenue and the damages and expenses of multiple decision making centers can be compensated for, the crisis will not recover. But when there is no oil revenue, no longer can money be spent for so many conflicting goals and at the same time the country cannot be managed with so many incoherent goals.

In the economic arena, we have the production capacity, but we don’t have all possible means of production. We have human resources, but we don’t have the capacity to attract them. A huge amount of cash has entered our economy but it is not used for production and it is not clear where it has gone. We have had $700b of oil revenue, but the economic growth was nearly zero percent. The dollar has jumped up, but the export has not increased. The country’s general revenue has gone up, but poverty has increased; and…

In the social arena, there is a crisis in health care, an accumulation of 16 million cases in the judiciary system, rapid growth of divorces, the spread of corruption of different types, as well as the spread of addiction and similar crises should be mentioned. We now have about 5 million, and in the next 5 years we will also have 5 million more unemployed university graduates.”

On the effect of the June presidential election, this economy expert believes that for now the election has been like the administration of a strong serum to a patient that would keep him alive for a while but not cure the disease. If no remedy is found and a complementary treatment or therapy is not implemented, the patient will return to his original state.

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