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HomeIran News NowIran Economy NewsIran: Rouhani Plunders $12.8 Billion, Under the Pretext of Subsidy Reform Plan

Iran: Rouhani Plunders $12.8 Billion, Under the Pretext of Subsidy Reform Plan


NCRI – According to the reports released by Research Centre of the Iranian Parliament, the government receives the revenue of 80 billion Tomans (25$ million) from the subsidy reform plan (Resalat Newspaper, January 4th 2017).

On January 29th 2017, Hadi Qavami in an interview with the state-run Fars News Agency referred to the government’s revenue from the subsidy reform plan. He stated:”according to the recent reports released by the Head of the Planning and Budget Organization in the Integration Commission of Parliament, the total revenue with the shares of companies reaches to 85 trillion Tomans (26$ billion) and 32 trillion (9.8$ billion) of this amount is allocated to the subsidy reform plan and the rest is the shares of companies.”

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Ali Tayebnia in an interview with Fars News Agency on January 20th 2017 stated:”our revenue is about 31 trillion (9.5$ billion) Tomans. We earn the revenue from the increasing energy prices and we pay subsidies to an amount of 42 billion Tomans (13$ million).”

The speeches of the Research Centre of the Iranian Parliament and the Government Spokesman about government’s revenues contradict with the claims which have been made by the Ministries of Petroleum and Economic Affairs and Finance.

On February 3rd 2017, Resalat Newspaper wrote about the dispute between the Research Center of the Iranian Parliament and the government. The news reads:” Majlis Research Center believes that this revenue totaled 80 trillion Tomans (24.7$ billion) but the government does not confirm this figure and it claims that there is not even enough money to pay the monthly subsidies as well.”

In the middle of this dispute, the chairman of the Parliament of Iran, Ali Larijani orders the Supreme Audit Court of Iran to resolve these issues and ascertain the amount of money that is spent on the subsidy reform plan.

Resalat Newspaper also writes about the 10 times difference in government receivables and payments of subsidies:”today the government receives the subsidies 10 times more than the base prices of the last year. It is interesting that the government pays the subsidies on the same base price of the last year. Isn’t it a bit odd?!”

The Head of Integration Commission of Plan 6th of the Parliament, Hamidreza Hajibabaee announced that government’s revenue from subsidy reform plan is 80 trillion Tomans (24.7$ billion) and 35 trillion (10.8$ billion) of this amount is paid to the people and the rest 39 trillion Tomans (12.8$ billion) is not returned to the treasury. This is a blatant violation of law (Tasnim News Affiliated with the terrorist Qod Force, December 26th 2016).

Vatan Newspaper affiliated with the Mullahs’ regime also writes:”it is not yet clear that what happened to the 39 trillion Tomans (12.8$ billion) subsidies revenues of 2016 that was in the hands of the government authorities who called subsidies payments as the dreadful ordeal.”
The news published by Vatan Emrooz Newspaper reads: “unlike what the government officials dictated to people, not only does the government have no lack of resources by implementing the subsidy reform plan but it also receives a considerable amount of revenue. It is not even clear that where the enormous financial resources of this plan come from or how they are spent.”

Rouhani’s government, on one hand, increases the prices of energy annually on the pretext of subsidy payments and on the other hand they give a small amount of money to people as the subsidy. They also plunder the rest of revenues and finally it is not yet clear where the money is spent and no one is responsible.

Of course, a regime that has corruption, as the government officials also confirm, this issue is a small sample of plunders that has been done by the Iranian regime.