Iran Regime Destroyed Country’s Economy Singlehandedly

Iran Regime Destroyed Country’s Economy Singlehandedly

By Mahmoud Hakamian

The Iranian regime is trying to blame the country’s economic crisis on anyone but itself. In most recent weeks, it has been trying to make out that the U.S. sanctions that are now in place do not affect the regime itself – rather they are only adversely affecting the Iranian people.

The regime’s propaganda apparatus has even managed to get famous people to convey the same points as the Iranian regime, but the people of Iran have questioned their motives including asking them why they are not supporting the ordinary people of Iran.

All of the propaganda revolves around health care issues but its motives are completely phony. The regime does not care about the lives of the people. If it did, it would have improved the health care system in the country a long time ago. And it has had many opportunities to do so, including when billions of dollars of foreign assets became available when international sanctions were lifted when the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) was agreed.

Over the past few decades, the Iranian regime has spent a large portion of the country’s wealth on its nuclear ambitions. Despite the merits of nuclear power being disputed, Iran remains persistent. The rest of the world is abandoning the idea of using nuclear power. Iran is pouring more and more resources into it.

Sources say that Iran’s nuclear project has cost the country around $160 billion per year. It is a costly process and the funds would be better spent on renewable energy. And it cannot be forgotten that Iran has abundant natural gas and oil sources that could power the country for much less. But clearly the regime’s quest for a nuclear weapons takes priority.

Iran’s military is also given a huge portion of the country’s budget and it keeps getting bigger. At the end of last year, a state-run news agency reported that the security and military budget for 2018 had increased by more than $4 billion. And while the military and security budget seems to be following a trend of increasing every year, the health care budget is following the opposite trend. For 2018, it has been allocated $6.4 billion whereas the previous year it was $8.9 billion.

Another suffering sector in Iran is education. For 2017, the education sector was allocated 9.8 per cent of the government’s budget, A year later, it went down to 8.4 per cent.

Many of the people in Iran live under the poverty line. This is completely unacceptable when you consider the oil incomes that Iran had. Massive amounts of money were spent on funding militias and terrorist proxy groups while the people were not given a second thought. It also uses a large amount of the country’s wealth on domestic suppression.
It is no wonder that the people of Iran are demanding regime change. They have no chance of a bright and prosperous future if the Iranian regime puts the people last in all their decisions.

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