Iran: Over 13 million are unemployed, election candidate says

NCRI – Iran’s jobless total has soared to more than 13 million as the regime’s economic, political and social crisis deepens, presidential candidate Mostafa Kavakebian has revealed.

He said in the speech in the city of Khoramabad: “Presently there are 4,500,000 single girls above the age of 25 who are unemployed and double this amount of unemployed men.”

Kavekebian also said Iran was now witnessing ‘the worst relations’ between the three branches of government, the executive, legislature and judiciary.

And he referred to ‘black Sunday’ on February 3 when Ahmadinejad screened a video in the regime’s parliament accusing speaker Ali Larijani’s family – who are heads of the legislature and judiciary heads – of corruption, bribery and nepotism.

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