Iran: More workers laid-off and salaries unpaid

NCRI – 35 experienced workers of Shadgol liquid oil factory in the city of Neishabour, northeast of Iran, became unemployed after their contract was over. 

A labor official reminded that each of these expelled workers had work experience of between 7 to 13 years. He said: “The employer of this factory intended to hire these workers on a blank contract basis, but as a result of their refusal, they were all expelled.”
Based on the labor laws, it is a crime to force workers in signing a blank contract; however, 95 workers at this factory have been forced into signing such a contract.
Employers of private companies or sections usually disobey the labor laws and neglect the real salary that must be given to the workers.
Not far from the city of Neishabor, Adnis factory in the city of Mashhad, which is one of the most experienced and oldest industrial factories in the country producing households, has not paid 5 months’ salary of 50 official workers and 100 contract workers.
A worker that wanted to remain anonymous blamed management failure of the new employer that overtook the company since the beginning of the new Iranian year, for the current problem of the factory.

On the other hand, workers at the iron melting factory in the city of Ardebil emphasized that the salary of 350 workers have not been paid and there has been 8 months delay in their insurance payment.

This is while the managing director of the factory reported that it will lay-off more than 70 workers in the upcoming months. Pointing out to the increase problems at the factory he said that in addition to that this production unit may also close-down and more than 350 of its workers become unemployed.

Bahrami added that the government officials have not paid any attention to the problems of the production units, especially the private ones. We have been complaining for two years but no official hears our voice. They just increase our taxes every year.


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