Iran: More than 600 workers were laid off at Shegarf-Afzar factory in Shiraz

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NCRI – More than 600 workers are out of job in auto-parts Shegarf-Afzar factory since the end of February in the southern city of Shiraz.

The management blames the factory shutdown on the lack of raw material. However, that excuse does not satisfy the laid off workers who have not received the salaries since the end of winter.

Laying off workers and not compensating for their unpaid salaries is an old tactic used against the workers by the management lately in most of the factories and workshops across the nation.

Most of the industrial units are either directly owned by the Iranian regime or are related to the various entities belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

In February alone in more than 15 factories and workshops workers walked out over their unpaid salaries. It was extremely difficult times for them in the run up to the Iranian New Year on March 21. 

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