IRAN: Milk being removed from the food table of so many people, due to its high price!


NCRI – The CEO of Iranian regime’s Cooperative Union of Dairy Products: “Due to the rising cost of dairy products, many people have removed milk from their food table despite its numerous benefits.”

In an interview with the state news agency “Young Journalists Club” on September 15, “Mohammad Reza Ganji” stated that the per capita consumption of dairy products in Iran is currently around 80 Kilos. He added: “It was planned in the fifth development program to raise the per capita consumption of dairy products to around 160 Kilos. But it has not happened due to some factors such as drought, rising cost of animal feed and a decrease in purchasing power.”

Ganji pointed to one of the factors which has raised the price of dairy products and said: “At the moment, high interest rates has led to an increase in the prime costs of the products.”

This new agency also quoted from Mohammad Reza Esmaeili, former CEO of Cooperative Union of Dairy Products, as saying: “At the moment, the per capita consumption of dairy products is around 70 Liters while the Ministry of Agriculture has announced a higher figure. This is not the right strategy.”

Without giving a practical solution and only offering the empty slogans for increasing per capita consumption of dairy products, Esmaeili added: “Modifying food culture as well as supporting low-income families by the government are among the main factors which help increase the per capita consumption.”

He concluded by saying: “Following the launch of targeted subsidies, the per capita consumption of dairy products fell which was a fatal blow to this industry.”

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