Iran faces worst economic recession in 30-40 years – regime’s official


NCRI – The head of the Iranian regime’s Chamber of Commerce has admitted to a dire economic situation and recession in Iran and said that the situation is chaotic and businesses remain in utter recession.

In an interview with the state-run weekly Namayandeh on May 21, Massoud Khansari said: “The businesses in the country are now in absolute recession and I believe that currently the largest and most severe recession in the past 30-40 years has dominated over Iran’s economy.”

“I do not consider the current situation appropriate. The year 2015 was not a good year for our economy. In 2015 we faced negative economic growth. … Reduction in imports, especially in the fields of raw and intermediate materials, reflect lower industrial production growth and this is worrying,” Khansari added.
According to the state-run Mehr news agency, Ali Larijani, speaker of the regime’s parliament, in a press conference on May 25 warned of a serious economic recession
“Conjuncture of change in the country is right here. In this regard, the government should work faster,” he said.

Lawmaker Kazem Jalali in his speech to the parliament on May 15 said: “We have to admit that the internal situation of the country, especially in the economic and subsistence areas, is not worthy of the name of Islamic Iran in the region and the world. The economic growth is negative or very low. Youth unemployment, particularly the educated youth, is getting close to zero hour like a time bomb.”

Jalali admitted: “The economy suffers from a severe recession and factories are administered and run mainly inefficiently and with low capacity… The rank of businesses today in the country’s economy is inappropriate. The social gap is more intense and income distribution is unequal. Public funding is plentifully increased, but the costs in the constant sectors resulted in the fattening of the government.”


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