Iran: clash of rival factions over embezzlement of 25 Million dollars from Teachers Reserve Fund


NCRI – An embezzlement of 2.5 Million dollars from Teachers Reserve Fund coincided with the the Minister of Education’s resignation, has turned into a crisis as well as a clash of factions in Iran.

In a number of articles with such titles as ‘Teachers Reserve Fund, the headquarters of plunderers of public treasury ‘, ‘Minister of Education resigns over government’s fear of scandal during impeachment’ and ‘the need to explain about the 8,000-Billon-Toman embezzlement by the government’, the Revolutionary Guard’s Fars news agency wrote on Sunday October 24 that “political activists as well as MPs believe that with an immediate replacement of the Minister of Education following the disclosure of the embezzlement from the Teachers Fund while claiming to be a cabinet reshuffle, the government has in an election move attempted to whitewash the embezzlement issue and cover up the corruption case related to Teachers Reserve fund.”

The article added: “the embezzlement of 2.5 Million dollars from Teachers Reserve Fund has surprised everyone, as the Reserve Fund was supposed to serve as a means for resolving the economic problems of teachers and educators. While everyone was in shock of this huge embezzlement, the news about the resignation of the Minister of Education was released. A resignation believed by some analysts to be politically motivated and one that should not be used by the government as a means to bypass the law. Rather, Rouhani and his cabinet should be held accountable for what they have done, according to the analysts. Some political activists believe that by replacing the Minister of Education in his final months of being in office, Rouhani has preempted an impeachment so as to cover up the financial corruption case related to the Teachers Reserve Fund and avoid a possible decrease in the number of his votes in the upcoming elections.”

Amir Khojasteh, Hamedan representative in Iranian regime’s Parliament, states that the Reserve Fund was supposed to serve as the future’s hope for one million teachers, who, with a low income, are among the society’s poorest classes, but it has turned into a place for plunderers of public wealth. He added: “they have not had mercy on us and we won’t have mercy on them, either.”

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