Iran: Ahmadinejad faction’s plunders in the Oil Ministry

NCRI – In the midst of growing divisions among the Iranian regime’s various factions, a state-run media outlet has exposed a plan to plunder billions of dollars by the regime’s Oil Ministry.

According to Jahan News web site on Saturday, two companies whose initial capital was only $100 were given a portion of the South Pars project worth over $21 billion.

The agreement was signed in June, according to the news agency, which added that the Petro Paydar Iranian Inc., which has a stake in the $5 billion consortium for the development of Phase 13 of South Pars, was created on June 15, 2010 with an initial cash on hand of $100 precisely on the day the agreement was signed. The company was registered as no. 377800 and the national identity code of  10320271640.

According to this report, the second company was the Petro Sina Arya Oil and Gas Company Inc., which is involved in the five-billion-dollar consortium for phases 22-24 of South Pars. The company was registered on June 14, 2010, only a day prior to the signing of the agreement, and it also had a capital of $100. It was registered as no. 377660 and the national ID code of 10320271046.

Jahan News added, “The fundamental and serious question that needs to be asked of the respectable directors of the Oil Ministry and the President – in whose presence the agreement was signed – is that how, why, and with what kind of a legal permit have two $100 dollar companies, which had the same managers and shareholders on the days they were created, were allowed to take part in multi-billion dollar projects? They also had access to 3 billion Euros and 3 billion dollars worth of bonds.

The contract for the multi-billion dollar development of South Pars was awarded on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 in the presence of the Iranian regime’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


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