Ex-Oil Minister: Iran’s economic situation is disastrous


NCRI – The current economic situation in Iran is absolutely catastrophic, according to Rostam Qasemi, the Iranian regime’s minister of petroleum in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government and a former commander of the Khatam-al Anbiya Base in the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

“The country’s economic situation is cataclysmic. After each problem they say a crisis is arising, and after each crisis a major disaster breaks out. In my opinion, today the economic situation in the country is so catastrophic that perhaps all those who have access to the true figures can’t disagree on this issue,” Qasemi told the state-run Ramz-e Obour weekly.

Qasemi issued a blunt warning about the closure of factories in Iran due to recession.

“If the government does not take effective measures this year, then this year shall be called the year of shut-downs. In previous years, the industrialists were full of hope and they believed that something good is going to happen in the economy. Meanwhile, if the government does not implement the necessary measures, many factories will be shut down this year.”

Qasemi criticized Hassan Rouhani’s government for the recently-signed Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC), pointing out that they are plundering the revenue from oil sales.

“I also said to some of colleagues in the ministry of petroleum that in the current situation, this contract is not in favor of our petroleum industry…we have never made any contracts like this before, not even in the time of [Mohammad] Mossadeq or after him. What is published today shows that this contract has serious drawbacks.”

Qasemi also admitted that Tehran is trying to dominate the markets in Syria and Iraq.

“When the 10th government’s (Ahmadinejad) term ended, some friends suggested that I accept the liability for the organization that supports the economy and the people of Syria and Iraq. Iraq and Syria are both good markets for us in the economic field. The population in Iraq and Syria respectively exceed 30 and 25 million people. Considering our relationship with Iraq and Syria, both countries have great economic potentials. Of course due to the current condition in Syria and Iraq, the ratio of our export/import stands at 95 percent export to these two countries and perhaps only less than 5 percent imports from them. So the market is quite flourishing. Our export rate to Iraq in recent years totaled an annual rate of 12 to 13 billion dollars. This figure shows a considerable amount of export and that means a great job has been done. I now believe that there is a good opportunity for Iranians to take part and do business in the markets of Iraq and Syria. Of course we are our nation’s soldiers who are constantly trying to maintain and develop this market. Whether we are in the government or not, we are still the soldiers of this regime, and we must put all of our efforts to advance the work of this government,” he added.

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