Despite Mullahs’ Claims, Iran’s Economy Is Collapsing


Iran’s economy is suffering from mullahs’ institutionalized corruption and wrong policies. While the mullahs’ apologists blame sanctions for Iran’s economic crisis, officials inside Iran try posturing that economy is flourishing. Yet, a glance at facts and figures rejects both claims.

“If Iran’s political economy continues circulating in the same manner, and no cure is found for its pains, it will suffer a painful and fatal heart attack and goes into a long coma,” wrote the state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily on April 6. “Iran’s economic freefall is on the horizon,” Jahan-e Sanat warned.

“Economic and social crisis has driven the country to a dangerous point. If [authorities] do not act quickly to control and manage these crises. In that case, the country will enter an irreversible path,” Jahan-e Sanat wrote, quoting one of the regime’s economists, Mohsen Rannani.

“When the country’s average inflation for 52 years is a little more than 18%, it means that its 52-year inflation rate is 546845%,” said Abbas Akhundi, former Minister of Urban Development, on April 6. “When the growth of the country’s national investment for nine years is negative 6.8 percent, it means that this year’s investment has decreased to fifty-two percent compared to ten years ago,” he added, according to the state-run Eghtesadnews website. “The next year’s inflation rate will be higher than 40% of the [previous year]. This means absolute poverty,” Akhundi added.

In other words, Iran’s economy under the mullahs’ regime has no solution. People pay the price of the regime’s economic mismanagement and corruption.

For example, while Iran is going through the fourth wave of the coronavirus outbreak, thousands of Iranians stand in long lines to purchase poultry at the government-set price. The regime has created a so-called “Poultry and egg market organizing committee,” as people face poultry scarcity and skyrocketing prices.

“Due to government policies, many goods that were once available to the public have long been inaccessible. In other words, people’s purchasing power has declined so much that even if the upward trend in prices is not accompanied by speed, the existing prices will still be worrying for all sections of society. The prices of basic commodities, including fruits and vegetables, are going up so fast that people are surprised every day when they want to buy their daily necessities,” wrote the state-run Jahan-e Sanat on February 10 in this regard.

Yet, the regime bogusly claims it has controlled the economic crisis. The poultry and egg crises are just one example of how the mullahs’ regime has devastated Iran’s economy and ruined people’s lives. While the regime’s apologists try to blame sanctions, state-run media and officials refer to the regime’s corruption and wrong policies as real reasons for Iran’s economic crisis.

“Tying all problems to sanctions is going on for years. Sanctions are not the reason for all of Iran’s economic crises. According to economic and political experts, 30% of problems are due to sanctions, but 70% of problems are due to mismanagement, [wrong] decisions, and governments’ planning. Should we blame sanctions for skyrocketing prices and the scarcity of poultry? [the regime’s] recklessness and disabilities are not involved in this [crisis]?” wrote the state-run Siyasat-e Rouz daily on Wednesday.

In other words, the regime has no solution for Iran’s economic crisis because mullahs and their wrong policies are the real reason for people’s problems.

Thus, officials and state-run media warn each other of another uprising like the one in November 2019, which initially started due to the sudden fuel price hike.

“In November [2019], before those incidents, I said we should distribute food and health baskets among people. If you do not, you should await the rebellion [uprising] of the poor,” said Ahmad Tavakoli, a member of the regime’s Expediency Council on Thursday.

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