Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SBI branches stop Iran cos’ dollar transactionsLarger

Indian Express - State Bank of India (SBI) has directed its overseas branches to stop transactions with Iranian entities. An internal circular issued by...

Iranian official ‘has set up international money laundering network’

A senior aide to Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has used trips to Vienna to defy United Nations sanctions to build an international money laundering...

Ex-Oil Minister: Iran’s economic situation is disastrous

NCRI - The current economic situation in Iran is absolutely catastrophic, according to Rostam Qasemi, the Iranian regime's minister of petroleum in Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's...
Iran Regime’s Efforts to Steady the Economy Have Failed

Iran Regime’s Efforts to Steady the Economy Have Failed

By Staff Writer Efforts by Iran’s central bank to stop the decline in the value of the rial and end the black market trade...
Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi and his cabinet of thieves, killers, and crooks (1)

Iran’s Kleptocracy and Systematic Nepotism

Economic corruption has been an international problem for centuries. But when it comes to Iran, the word “corruption” fails to portray the true misappropriation...

Iran: Industry Sector Faces Negative Growth of %47 and Unemployment of 6500

NCRI - On January 18, 2017, the state-run Tasnim news agency, affiliated to terrorist Quds force, revealed deplorable state of the Iron and Steel Industry...
Iran’s regime fears post-coronavirus outbreak situation, desperately tries to control restive society

Iran’s Regime Fears Post-Coronavirus Outbreak Situation, Desperately Tries to Control Restive Society

The Iranian regime’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak confirms how they consider this humanitarian crisis to be a security threat. The Iranian regime’s officials and state media have been giving warnings of the “post-coronavirus...

International sanctions put a damper on regime oil sales

NCRI - The Iranian regime is storing over 20 million oil barrels on board tankers floating in the Persian Gulf in the absence of...

120% Reduction in Iran’s Currency Value and 20%-50% Increase in Inflation

By Staff Writer Over the past six months, Rial’s value has dropped by 120%. Vahid Shaghaghi, an Iranian Economy lecturer in Tehran’s Kharazmi University,...
Iranian Regime Diverts Attention of Economic Crisis to Iraq

Iranian Regime Diverts Attention of Economic Crisis to Iraq

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari Due to the drastic fall in the value of the Rial, Iran’s national currency, a large number of people are coming...