Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Iran's regime so-called debate showed the exacerbating infightings in the regime only days before its sham presidential election. 

Iran Election 2021: First Round of Debates Showed Depth of Regime’s Crisis

On Saturday, Iranians witnessed the first round of presidential debate of the regime’s so-called candidates. This so-called debate showed the exacerbating infightings in the...

The 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran: Eyewitness Accounts, Asghar Mehdizadeh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB5BdTz5-BE I am Asghar Mehdizadeh, born in 1957 in the city of Soomehsara I was in Soomehsara, Fooman, Rasht, Evin, and Gohardasht prisons for 13...
Iran Freedom Summit-WashingtonPost

UN Delegates Should Listen to Iranians, not Tehran’s Illegitimate President 

Time is running out to take action in accordance with recommendations from countless Iranian expatriates and supporters of Iran’s pro-democracy Resistance movement concerning the...

Iran’s Attack on Tanker: Another Sign of Failure of Appeasement Policy

A week ago, a tanker was attacked off the coast of Oman. Meanwhile, the Iranian regime officials continue to deny their involvement, even as more and more international voices weigh...

Editorial- Iran Election 2021: Grasping at Straws To Save a Sinking Ship

Mahatma Gandhi once said: "All throughout history there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible. But in the...
Iran: 32 Years After 1988 Massacre: It Is Time for UN General Assembly To Act

Iran: The EU Must Apply Magnitsky Act For Ebrahim Raisi’s Role In The 1988...

On Monday, three death sentences were carried out in one prison facility in Iran. Over the previous ten days, at least 15 other individuals...

Iran’s Raisi Domestic and International Trips Fail

On Monday, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson announced that the regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, would not attend the COP26 U.N. Climate Change Conference...

Iranian Regime’s UN Assembly Appearance: Exploiting Opportunities or Exposing Contradictions

On Wednesday, September 19, the global community had to endure for 35 minutes what the Iranian people have stomached for 45 years. While the...
iran money exchange economy

Iran’s State Media Fact Checking: In Raisi’s Two Years Term Lies Outpaced Actions

Building 4 million homes in 4 years, equating to one million homes per year Creating 4 million jobs in 4 years, amounting to...
UN Agrees to Extension on Iran Special Rapporteur's Mandate

UN Expert Calls for Investigation Into Iran’s 1988 Massacre and Raisi’s Role

Days after the Iranian regime’s sham presidential election calls for holding the mullahs’ new president, Ebrahim Raisi, accountable for his involvement in human rights...