Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Raisi Domestic and International Trips Fail

On Monday, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson announced that the regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, would not attend the COP26 U.N. Climate Change Conference...
Iran’s sham presidential election ended on June 18. The regime’s Supreme Leader, pulled out, Ebrahim Raisi, out of the ballot box.

Recognizing Raisi as Iran’s President Fuels Impunity Over Human Rights Violations

The Iranian regime’s new president, Ebrahim Raisi, was inaugurated today. Many international human rights organizations have called for Raisi’s prosecution for his human rights...

Human Rights Record Of Ebrahim Raisi: Eyewitness Accounts, Firooz Danafar

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMwZluZod20 My name is Firooz Danafar, and I was a political prisoner in Ghezel Hesar and Gohardasht prisons from 1982 to 1986. I want to...

Iran’s Rising Number of Executions: Sign of Systematic Impunity

Last week, Iran Human Rights Monitor reported that about the rising trend of executions in Iran. The recent confirmation of Ebrahim Raisi as the...

Iran: Regime Is Increasingly Unable To Deny Economic Collapse, COVID Deaths, Popular Unrest

  Economic decline in Iran has been spiraling out of control for years. In August, the rate of inflation stood at 42.5 percent, and the...
The Iranian regime’s infightings have accelerated days before the sham presidential election

Iran Election 2021: State Media Warn About Major Protests Amid Infightings

The Iranian regime’s infightings have accelerated days before the sham presidential election. As the regime’s factional feuds continue to amplify, state-run media warn about...

Iran: Ebrahim Raisi’s Cabinet of Murderers Could Prompt More Unrest

Ebrahim Raisi’s hand-picked government last month, is a further confirmation of the regime’s intention to increase its malign activities. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect...

Iran: Whether International or Unilateral, Ebrahim Raisi Must Face Prosecution for Genocide

When Ebrahim Raisi was inaugurated as the next president on August 5, it was the culmination of more than 30 years of impunity for...

Iran’s Economic Crises Persist After Sham Presidential Election

The Iranian regime’s sham presidential election ended on June 18. Regime’s candidates, mainly Ebrahim Raisi, the Supreme Leader’s preferred candidate, spoke of economic reforms...

Iran’s Acquittal of Formerly Convicted Prosecutor Is a Blatant Declaration of Impunity

The Iranian Supreme Court recently nullified the guilty verdict that had been issued by a lower court in 2017 for Saeed Mortazavi. The former...