Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Inauguration Of A Mass Murderer, Ebrahim Raisi As The President Of The Regime

  On August 5, 2021, the Iranian regime will hold the inauguration ceremony for Ebrahim Raisi as the President of the regime. Iranian activists have long...

Iran: Call on International Community to Prosecute Ebrahim Raisi

Call on the international community to prosecute Raisi with one click!   On June 18, 2021, Ebrahim Raisi was brought to power through sham elections in...

Iran’s Regime Remains Committed to the Fatwa Behind Its 1988 Massacre

On June 18, the Iranian regime appointed a notorious violator of human rights as its next president. Ebrahim Raisi has played a key role...
Protests in Khuzestan province over water shortages - July 2021

Crackdown on Khuzestan Protests: Grim Face of Systematic Impunity in Iran

The new series of protests started in Khuzestan province on July 14 to water shortages. The nature of protests soon changed, with people calling...

Who Is Ebrahim Raisi: Raisi’s Role in Iran’s Death Commissions

On June 18, 2021, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pulled Ebrahim Raisi out of the ballot box as the regime’s next president....

Iran Is on the Cusp of a New Era, More Uprisings Are on the...

Protests erupted in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran, twelve days ago. These protests were initially due to the severe water shortages in this province. But...
1988 massacre-Iran

After Iran’s Sham Election, Greater Recognition of 1988 Massacre Is Vital

Iran’s June 18 sham presidential election brought renewed attention to the clerical regime’s crime against humanity, and it underscored the urgency of as-yet-unheeded calls for its...
The 1988 massacre of political prisoners was carried out over 30,000 lives.

Iran’s Political Situation Points to Further Expansion, Cover-up of Human Rights Abuses

  The outcome of Iran’s sham presidential election should increase the sense of urgency for an international investigation into the clerical regime’s single greater crime...
17 American Senators introduced a bill to sanction the Iranian regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.  

Iran: U.S. Senators Call for Blacklisting of Raisi and Khamenei

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and 16 other American Senators introduced a bill to sanction the Iranian...
Victims of 1988 Massacre in Iran

Iran Policy Should Prioritize Human Rights Before Ominous Presidential Transition

In the summer of 1988, “death commissions” throughout Iran systematically interrogated, condemned, and executed 30,000 political prisoners as part of an effort to stamp...