Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran: As Death Toll Gets Close to 10,000, Khamenei Foolishly Blames U.S.

Iran, Qom - Burial of a coronavirus victim
Iran, Qom – Burial of a coronavirus victim

The coronavirus outbreak has so far claimed the lives of 9,600 people, according to reports published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), yet the Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, instead of acting, blames the United States for this crisis.  

In this regard, on March 22, Khamenei, blatantly said: “Firstly, you (The U.S.) are facing shortages of your own … If you have anything, use it yourself. Secondly, you have allegedly produced the virus. One must be insane to trust that you will bring medicine. Your drugs may even spread the disease further or make the virus permanent. Or, if you send a doctor or physician, you may want to closely test the toxic effects of the virus you have created. Because it’s said that given the knowledge about Iranian genes, part of the virus has been especially created for Iran.” 

These remarks show Khamenei’s desperation and yet expose the regime’s inhumane nature. They also make clear that the regime has no intention to help the coronavirus victims.  

Earlier this month, the regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, who had previously suggested that the crisis will be over by March 7, 2020, ridiculously claimed: “We have now passed the peak in Qom and Gilan, our two most difficult spots… In Gilan, 20% of hospital beds are empty.  

In this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: “Khamenei’s shallow and demagogic rambling reflect, in addition to his cruelty about the (Coronavirus) patients, his despair and passivity emanating from the mortal deadlock engulfing the regime and concern over popular uprisings. While this disaster has swept across Iran and the number of victims continues to grow, Khamenei did not offer any solutions, nor not even a promise to help the people.” 

The Iranian regime, particularly Khamenei, spread the coronavirus across Iran by its criminal cover-up and inaction. The regime denied the existence of the virus to have a much larger turnout in its sham parliamentary elections. In this regard, the regime’s Interior Minister, Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, said: “Some had recommended delaying the elections, and insisted on delaying elections in Qom. But, as the official in charge of the elections, I refused to approve these recommendations.” His confessions confirmed that the regime was fully aware of the existence of this virus but chose to cover it up. In a related matter, the regime never stopped its flights to China, the epicenter of the virus. Mahan Air, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), has been flying to China, while other countries have canceled their flights to China. 

The U.S. State Department also reacted to Khamenei’s remarks. In a press release on March 23 they saidSupreme Leader Khamenei’s fabrications regarding the Wuhan Virus are dangerous, and they put Iranians and people around the world at greater risk.”  

While referring to some facts, demonstrating how the regime helped to spread the virus across Iran, the State Department said: “In February, Iran’s chief terror airline, Mahan Air, ran at least 55 flights between Tehran and China, further infecting the Iranian people. At least five foreign countries’ first cases of coronavirus were directly imported from Iran, putting millions more lives at risk. The Iranian regime ignored repeated warnings from its own health officials and denied its first death from the coronavirus for at least nine days. The regime continues to lie to the Iranian people and the world about the number of cases and deaths, which are unfortunately far higher than the regime admits.”  

Referring to how the regime declined any foreign aid to help the victims the U.S. State Department further added: “As Iranian regime officials ask for more funds, it is important to note that since 2012, Iran has spent over $16 billion on terror abroad, and used sanctions relief from the JCPOA to fill up its proxies’ coffers. Regime officials stole over a billion Euros intended for medical supplies, and continue to hoard desperately needed masks, gloves, and other medical equipment for sale on the black market.  U.S. sanctions do not target imports of food, medicine and medical equipment, or other humanitarian goods. Iranian documents show their health companies have been able to import testing kits without obstacle from U.S. sanctions since January. U.S. sanctions do not target imports of food, medicine and medical equipment, or other humanitarian goods. Iranian documents show their health companies have been able to import testing kits without obstacle from U.S. sanctions since January.” 

This all proves the regime is the real virus and problem and as far as it continues its rule the coronavirus outbreak won’t be controlled in Iran.  As Mrs. Rajavi Said: “Khamenei’s drivel about the production of the virus by the U.S is a desperate attempt to cover up the regime’s incompetence in confronting the disease and the mullahs’ criminal role in the explosive spread of the virus nationwide and to divert the people’s anger, and disgust towards the U.S. But these justifications no longer work and only exacerbate the people’s rage.”  

The regime is indeed worried about another popular uprising. In this regard, the Asra think-tankclose to Khamenei, wrote in a report: “With the spread of the coronavirus to the whole country, the shortage of health and hospital equipment was quite evident, and widespread hoarding was taking place in these areas. This led to market turmoil and increased prices for these commodities. Rising prices and a shortage of goods in the coming months, and with the spread of the virus, could lead to the looting of stores and pharmacies.”  

As Mrs. Rajavi has said repeatedly: “The medical and sanitary resources must be taken out of the regime’s possession and placed at our people’s disposal. IRGC hospitals and medical centers belonging to Khamenei’s representatives have top-quality medical facilities and they must be opened to all the people and all Coronavirus patients.”   


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