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“Bioterrorism” – Iran Regime’s Deception to Cover up Its Role in Spreading Coronavirus Across Iran

“Bioterrorism” - Iran Regime’s Deception to Cover up Its Role in Spreading Coronavirus Across Iran

The social and political problems of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran have terrified the Iranian regime of another uprising, forcing the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commanders to conduct a misinformation campaign and spread rumors about the possibility of the United States creating the COVID-19. This is only to cover up the regime’s role in spreading this deadly virus across Iran.   

On March 22, Khamenei said: “Firstly, you (The U.S.) are facing shortages of your own … If you have anything, use it yourself. Secondly, you have allegedly produced the virus. One must be insane to trust that you will bring medicine. Your drugs may even spread the disease further or make the virus permanent. Or, if you send a doctor or physician, you may want to closely test the toxic effects of the virus you have created. Because it’s said that given the knowledge about Iranian genes, part of the virus has been especially created for Iran.”  

Starting a month ago, the IRGC’s commanders, by the order of Khamenei, and in order to conceal the regime’s role in spreading the coronavirus across Iran and turning Iran to an epicenter of this deadly virusspoke of the possibility of bioterrorism to divert the public opinion. In this regard, the IRGC’s commander in chief, Hossain Salami, on March 5 said that probably the U.S. has created COVID-19.  

In this regard, the state-run Mizan news agency, which is affiliated with Khamenei’s faction, in an article about the coronavirus outbreak in Iran on March 14, clearly explained the regime’s intentions of spreading the “bioterrorism” propaganda.  

In line with accusing Iran [regime], the origins of the coronavirus’ creation should be seriously considered. Currently, there are two theories in this regard. The first one refers to China’s role in spreading this virus and the second one considers the coronavirus as the weapon of bioterrorism against Iran and China. The indications of analysis of the second theory should be extensively organized and injected into domestic media and world’s public opinion. Since it is not possible to implement this idea through public medias around the world, then there should be online campaigns and hashtags circulating on social media about this issue to present this idea worldwide, read the article.   

Dr. Ali Karamiprofessor at the Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, which as affiliated to the IRGC, in an interview with state-run Habilian website, that belongs to the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), on March 17 tried to present a scientific and medical ground for Khamenei’s previous remarks about the possibility of a biological attack. In this regard he said: “The supreme leader, in his remarks, spoke of the possibility of a biological attack, today I speak of the same possibility,” he continued, “In molecular biology, that I’m a specialist of, there are many information about the genome. You perhaps have seen that in a family some [members of family] become sick more than others. Some are highly allergic to medications, some not. Now, the produced medications will have impact on some races and not on the others. Diseases also affect some races and not other races. This shows that the cellular receptors of races differ; and a virus should be attached to a cellular receptor to be effective.”  

Th People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) on May 15, 2002, revealed the IRGC’s role in producing biological weapons and identified its location at the Lavizan Shian Site. The IRGC was conducting researches of producing both nuclear and biological weapon. Therefore, after the MEK’s revelations, the regime was forced to destroy the Lavizan Shian site in December 2003 and Excavate the site to a depth of 4 meters underground.  

In its revelation, the MEK exposed Ali Karami, as one of those involved in producing a biological and microbial weapon. The Revolutionary Guards’ Baqiyatollah Research Center, affiliated with the Guards’ Baqitollah Hospital, is another Revolutionary Guard Baqiyatollah center which works on microbial bombs. Dr. Karami is the head of this center. He’s a member of the Guard Corps Imam Hussein University scientific staff and has been working on biological weapons for 18 years. He is also a member of the national body of Biological Weapons Disarmament Convention and travels to Geneva regularly,” read the MEK’s report.   

So, now it is clear that IRGC member Ali Karami, who is an specialist of producing biological weapons in the IRGC and has been working on producing biological and microbial weapons for nearly 36 years, now tries to present a so-called “scientific ground” for Khamenei’s foolish remarks and blame other countries for producing the coronavirus. 

Khamenei’s desperate efforts, along with those of the IRGC commanders, in concealing regime’s role in spreading the coronavirus across Iran, is coinciding with the issue of coronavirus transmission by the IRGC’s Mahan Air airline from China to the city of Qom in Iran, the spread of the virus from Qom to across Iran and also the spread of the virus from Iran to regional and world countries.