Ros-Lehtinen calls on UNHCR to return Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf

NCRI – The United Nations must return terrorized Liberty residents to the safety of Ashraf after the ‘horrific’ attack on the camp last week, the United States Congress Foreign Affairs subcommittee on the Middle East has demanded.

In a letter to the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, the subcommittee chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen accused the UN of failing to protect innocent Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty from deadly rocket attacks.

Ms Ros-Lehtinen said the Iranian Qods Force committed the atrocity and she also blamed Iraq for failing to honour an agreement with the UN aimed at ensuring the safety and security of residents at Liberty, now known as Camp Hurriya (Liberty).

She wrote: “This past weekend’s terrorist attack against the residents of Camp Hurriya (Liberty).killed 6 people and injured dozens more.

“According to reports, the Iranian Qods Force was behind the deadly attack using mortars and Katyusha rockets against innocent civilian life.

“This horrific attack is another indication that the residents at Camp Hurriya are not secure, despite UN assurances that the facility was safe and up to international standards, and should be allowed to relocate back to Camp Ashraf for their safety.

“Camp Ashraf is equipped with a better infrastructure and safer facilities that can sustain future attacks and improve the livelihood of Ashraf residents.”

Ms Ros-Lehtinen added: “It is clear that the Iraqi government has not lived up to its obligations in accordance with the December 25, 2011 memorandum of understanding which ensured the safety and security of the residents at the new location.

“I urge you to call on the Government of Iraq to assist Ashraf residents return to Camp Ashraf and to investigate this attack immediately in order to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of its residents.”



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