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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsLatest Update 19:37 GMT: Deadly missile attack on Iranians in Camp Liberty,...

Latest Update 19:37 GMT: Deadly missile attack on Iranians in Camp Liberty, Iraq

19:37 GMT: Members of the Iranian community in Britain gathered outside the US Embassy, calling on the US government to facilitate the transfer of the 3,100 Iranian dissidents in the camp back to another camp in Iraq, Camp Ashraf, where they were before.

Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, on behalf of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, a 120-strong cross-party group of MPs and peers which supports the Iranian opposition, said: “We should demand that the United Kingdom government takes immediate action to bring this matter to the UN Security Council and takes steps to ensure that the residents of Camp Liberty are given humanitarian aid and returned to Camp Ashraf.


17:26 GMT: Iraqi experts identified at least 38 locations where the 107 millimeter missiles were launched from.

17:05 GMT: At least five of the missiles that struck Camp Liberty have not yet exploded.


UN chief slams deadly mortar attack on Iranian in Camp Liberty in Iraq

Iranians in Camp Liberty protest to return to Camp Ashraf

The residents holding signs and pictures of other residents killed during Saturday’s deadly missile attack called to be returned to Camp Ashraf.


15:49 GMT

Amnesty International calls for an investigation on the attack that killed 6 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)  in Camp Liberty, Iraq

15:31 GMT

UNHCR Chief Guterres strongly condemns deadly attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq


13:23 GMT

Italian FM Terzi strongly condemns terrorism at Camp Liberty calls for UN EU support

Video: Deadly missile attack on Camp Liberty

11:14 GMT

Maryam Rajavi: Open Camp Liberty for visits by lawyers, European and US politicians

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on the UN Security Council to oblige the Government of Iraq to open the gates of Camp Liberty immediately for visits by lawyers, journalists, parliamentary delegations and politicians from the US, Europe and Arab countries who wish to go to the camp and see the facts first hand with their own eyes.


10:59 GMT

Instead of medical attention, Iraqi government sends in suppressive forces into Liberty

The Government of Iraq dispatches notorious suppressive SWAT force into Camp Liberty instead of sending medical teams and equipment to treat the wounded and to replace damaged residential containers.

This is while the containers used as a makeshift medical center in the camp has been hit by rockets in today’s attack and destroyed.


Sixty more missiles have been found near Camp Liberty aimed and ready to be fired at the camp. Iraqi security forces too have observed these missiles at 10 a.m. today local time, according to information arriving from the scene.

Concurrently, several vehicles carrying Iraqi anti-riot police forces have entered Camp Liberty at the order of Al-Maliki. These fully armed and equipped forces have lined up against the residents.


Iranian Resistance urges the US and UN officials to inspect the sixty missiles which are ready to be fired. It also urges for immediate removal of the police forces and anti-riot forces from inside Camp Liberty to outside the walls.


Deputy Secretary General of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Mrs. Massoumeh Maleck Mohammadi, is among the injured in this morning’s missile attack on Camp Liberty.  She suffered injuries on her leg and both hands.

Mrs. Maleck Mohammadi spent many years in Tehran’s Evin prison as a political prisoner at the hands of the theocratic fascists ruling in Iran.


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to immediately declare the refugee status of the residents of Camp Liberty in order to protect their lives and well being.

She also urged the High Commissioner to force the Iraqi government to relocate the residents of Liberty back to Ashraf. She described this as the only urgent move that can prevent the killing of defenseless refugees residing in Liberty.

The UNHCR declared in a document on January 19, 2012, that Liberty lacked refugee standards and did not meet Humanitarian Standards set out by the World Health Organization (WHO). But a few days later, on January 31, 2012, Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, deceitfully declared that the camp met the humanitarian standards.
Number of wounded reaches 100, some in critical condition
Unexploded missiles threaten the lives of the residents
Pieces of the missiles launched against Liberty indicate that 107mm missiles were used in today’s attack
Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, asked US President Obama, the UN Secretary General, the UN high Commissioner for Refugees and the High Commissioner for Human Rights that 3100 defenseless residents of Liberty be returned to Ashraf immediately. Camp Liberty is 80 times smaller than Ashraf and has no protection.
The six killed have been identified as:

Mrs. Pouran Najafi
Mr. Yahya Nazari
Mr. Akbar Azizi
Mr. Mostafa Khosravi
Mr. Mehdi Abed
Mr. Hadi Shafi’i
35 missiles and mortars hit Liberty leaving 6 dead

At  the sun rise, at least 35 spots hit by missiles and mortars have been identified in Camp Liberty, which is only half a square kilometer.

Number of killed in attack on Camp Liberty rises to 6
30 spots hit by missiles in Liberty identified

One of the wounded in the missile attack on Camp Liberty has died, raising the number of killed to 6.
The cause of death was delay in transferring the wounded to hospital and obstruction of Iraqi forces upon orders from the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister.
More deaths are feared among the wounded.

The camp is located at the heart of a military zone and it is not accessible without coordination with the Iraqi government.
When Liberty was attacked for the first time last March by a mortar, the National Council of Resistance of Iran warned that the camp offers no security for its residents.
Subsequently, agents of the office of Prime Minister removed some of the concrete T-walls leaving residential containers with no protection.
The residents’ protests to Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, and UNAMI were to no avail.  
7:30 am, local time

The Iraqi prime ministry is preventing the residents from transferring the wounded to the hospital using their limited vehicles which were brought to Camp Liberty from Camp Ashraf.
Camp Liberty came under missile and mortar attack at 5:45 AM local time.

There is no assistance or ambulances to move the wounded.

The power generator of the Iraqi clinic at Liberty was hit and as a result the clinic lacks electricity and has become useless.

The 3100 residents of Ashraf were forcibly moved by the Iraqi Government to this camp.

The 3100 residents are cramped in half a square kilometers that is at least 80 times smaller than Ashraf.

There is no shelter and protection at this camp and the residents are in trailers that are crammed next to each other.
The residents, their representatives and lawyers yesterday and the day before warned about another massacre by the Iranian regime and Iraqi forces.

Several times in the past they urged the UN secretary General and the US authorities for a return to Ashraf that has buildings made from cement and contains protective shelters.