Video: PMOI members in Camp Liberty protest Iran intelligence ploy



NCRI – Camp Liberty residents in Iraq, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK) have held a protest against the presence of elements of the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry (MOIS) and terrorist Revolutionary Guards Quds Force at the camp.

WATCH VIDEO FROM CAMP LIBERTY width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

These MOIS and IRGC Quds Force agents twice came to the camp entrance last week (September 7 and 10) under the guise of residents’ relatives. There they chanted threatening slogans at the PMOI (MEK) members, while taking photographic and video footage from a high altitude and throwing stones.

These agents were transferred to Camp Liberty by the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad and Iraqi security officials under the command of Iraq’s National Security Advisor Faleh Fayyad.

Also on September 9, Iraqi forces prevented four Camp Liberty residents with appointments for eye surgery from going to hospital in Baghdad. The appointments had been made a long time in advance.

The Iranian Resistance has emphasized on the repeated written commitments of the United Nations and the United States government regarding the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents and has called for immediate action to put an end to the psychological torture and groundwork for the massacre of the residents and to keep away the agents of the Iranian regime and MOIS from Camp Liberty, whatever their pretext.

Related News:

Camp Liberty: Intensified medical and logistical blockade, simultaneous with transfer of MOIS agents

MOIS and terrorist Quds Force elements sent to Camp Liberty under cover of residents’ relatives

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