US Senate Foreign Relations Chair tells Maliki: Iraq is responsible for Iranian dissidents, hostages safety

NCRI – A senior US Senator has told Iraq it must act to ensure the safety of Iranian residents in Camp Liberty and secure the release of seven hostages taken captive during the Camp Ashraf massacre.

The Democratic Senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez has told Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki his government must also cooperate with a UN investigation into the Ashraf atrocity that left 52 people dead on September 1.

Mr Menendez – chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee – said in a strongly-worded letter to al-Maliki: “I write to express my grave concern about the September I attack on Camp Ashraf that killed 52 residents, with seven more taken hostage.

“The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq is conducting an investigation into the attacks. I urge your full cooperation with their efforts and ask you to act decisively to bring the perpetrators of this heinous act to justice as quickly as possible.

“I am also extremely worried about the fate of the seven members of Camp Ashraf that were taken hostage after the attack. There is reason to believe that these hostages, including six women, are being held near Baghdad and are in danger of being taken to Iran against their will,
where they would face harsh treatment and possible death at the hands of the Iranian regime.

“I urge you to immediately take all possible measures to see that these seven hostages are located and brought to safety.”

Mr Menedez also stressed Iraq’s responsibility for all Iranian dissidents in their country, adding: “Finally, I remind you that the Iraqi government is responsible for the residents of Camp Liberty and the seven hostages.

“This latest act underscores the constant threat of violence that looms over this community and I ask in the strongest possible terms that you and your government ensure their safety.”

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