Urgent protection for Liberty residents after latest deadly attack, EP vice-president demands

NCRI – Action to protect Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty must be taken urgently following the third deadly missile attack on its residents this year, the European Union’s parliament’s Vice-President has demanded.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras also heaped blame on they United nation’s Iraqi envoy Martin Kobler for his ‘false promises’ to ensure the safety of Liberty’s population.

Several Iranian refugees died when 40 missiles were fired at the camp on Saturday afternoon, and 70 are known to have been injured.

Mr Vidal-Quadras said in a strongly-worded open letter on June 15: “I have just been informed of a new deadly attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq, were more than 3000 Iranian refugees of the PMOI were moved to last year under the intervention of the UN envoy Martin Kobler.

“More than 40 missiles were fired at Liberty at 13.15 local time today. Several people have died including Ms Serahati, a former political prisoner. 50 people are reported injured, many critical.”

Since writing the letter, the toll of injured is now know to have risen by 20.

Mr Vidal-Quadras, also president of the International Committee In Search of Justice, added: “This is the third missiles attack on Liberty since February this year.

“During the past four months, despite many promises by Martin Kobler, none of the requested protective measures have been taken at Camp Liberty. Not a single protective T-Wall has been returned to the Camp, not a single hard hat or protective vest, or their medical equipment from Ashraf have been returned.

“Neither have they been given permission to construct buildings. Had any of these measures been taken, the number of casualties of today’s attack could have been considerably lower.

“It seems more than ever that rapid transfer to 3rd countries is a myth and despite Martin Kobler’s false promises, after one and half years, only half a per cent of the whole population have been moved outside of Iraq.

“The most urgent question right now is the security and safety of the population that is trapped at Camp Liberty, the only practical solution while relocation is not happening is to return them to Ashraf.

“I shall recall that in Ashraf, despite numerous mortars, missiles and aerial attacks during the past 26 years, only one person lost his life as a result of those attacks.

“I have written today to High Commissioner Guterres and EU High Representative Baroness Ashton, urging them to condemn Iraqi government and to call for the temporary return of the residents to Ashraf. Silence is not more an option. Inaction is collaboration with the murderers.”

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