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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsUrgent call for Ashraf protection by French mayors

Urgent call for Ashraf protection by French mayors

NCRI – The following is the translation of excerpts of a statement by a number of French mayors condemning the January 7th attack on Ashraf by the Iranian regime and its Iraqi proxies:

The January 7, 2011 attack by Iranian regime agents against the residents of Camp Ashraf, which took place with the cooperation of the committee to suppress Ashraf at the Prime Minister’s Office as well as the armed forces under its command, has shocked all of us.


176 residents of Camp Ashraf, including 91 women, have suffered injuries. Iraqi forces expelled the injured from the hospital and refused to allow for their treatment. Two days prior to the attack, on January 5, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister had met the Iraqi Prime Minister in Baghdad and conveyed the regime’s demands for intensifying practical measures against Ashraf.

On January 6, agents from the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, whose psychological torture of the residents of Ashraf is entering its twelfth month, increased the number of their powerful loudspeakers from 140 to 180. The January 7 attack, the escalation of psychological torture, the inhumane two-year siege and the criminal medical restrictions against Ashraf, which have led to two deaths and deterioration of the conditions of many more, all take place under the supervision of the committee to suppress Ashraf.

These measures constitute war crimes and serious violations under the Fourth Geneva Conventions. They clearly demonstrate that the Iraqi government has neither the will nor the competence to protect Ashraf residents and is cooperating with the residents’ sworn enemies.

We call on Iraq to urgently take the following imperative measures:

1. End the psychological torture of Ashraf residents using the loudspeakers erected around the camp’s premises;
2. Disband the committee to suppress Ashraf and place Ashraf under the supervision of the Iraqi parliament as far as the situation relates to Iraq.

We also call on the French government to make clear to the Iraqi government that without respecting these conditions at a minimum, it does not have the least competency to take its place among the community of nations.