UN, US urged to prevent Iraq to grab the property of Camp Ashraf

By: Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, President God Believers Association (GBA)
Iraq in connivance with Iran now prevents the sale of Ashraf property with a view to grabbing it.

The Iraqi Govt. has no regard for the United Nations or any other country except Iran, because it is supporting Maliki.

It is also confirmed by NCRI that Iraqi Govt. is trying to snatch the property of residents of Camp Ashraf and to accomplish their plan, the Govt. of Iraq has blocked the sale of the property of residents of Camp Liberty left behind in Ashraf, even though they know it fully well that it is an open breach of the quadripartite agreement between Iraq, United States, United Nations and the residents.

The sources have confirmed that Iraqi agents, who prevented the entry of five Iraqi merchants to Camp Liberty (Camp Hurriya) on Monday, May 5, and another three on Thursday, May 8, were affiliated to the Iraqi Prime Minister’s office.

These merchants had gone to Camp Liberty to sign a contract to purchase the residents’ property in Camp Ashraf.

The names and arrival times of the merchants had been given to Iraqi and UN officials in advance. The total number of merchants that the Iraq Government has sent them away from the Camp Liberty’s entrance has now touched the figure of 70.

God Believers Association (GBA), which is a social NGO from New Delhi, India, and helps protect the cause of Human Rights and Justice apart from World Peace and other social commitments like fighting terrorism and global environmental abuses, draw the attention on the Joint Agreement which was signed on September 5, 2013, between UNAMI, the US Embassy in Iraq, the government of Iraq and former Ashraf residents, entitled ‘Relocation of the Remaining Residents in Camp Ashraf”.

The agreement states: “The GOI shall allow the residents to sell their property at any time”, “the GOI will review the inventory of the property with the residents in the presence of the UN”, “the GOI shall safeguard and guarantee all Ashraf property” and “Immediately after the inventory is submitted to the GOI representatives in the presence of the UN monitors, the remaining residents shall relocate to camp Hurriya under UN monitoring.”

On September 6, 2013, Ms. Beth Jones, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, had written a letter to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: “If residents accept this plan, the United Nations will help facilitate the safeguarding of the property at Ashraf through your retention of a trusted local security firm. The US Embassy will do its utmost to support these efforts.”

However, in the past eight months, Government of Iraq has disregarded all articles of this plan, much like all previous accords.

As per NCRI, to obstruct the entry of merchants, it has strongly opposed the hiring of private companies to protect Ashraf property and prevent it from being stolen, and despite persistent requests by the residents and their representatives, has prevented a visit to Iraq by the residents’ legal representative Senator Robert Torricelli, and his legal team, to discuss the resolution of the property issue with Iraq, the UN and the US.

Meanwhile on May 6, the government of Iraq posted a misleading proclamation without any serial number, date, signatures, and no mention of the addressee or author’s name, on Camp Liberty’s perimeter wall declaring it intends to go to Camp Ashraf’s warehouses to take an inventory – which clearly means breaking the locks to the warehouses and stealing and plundering the residents’ property.

While GBA joining with The Iranian Resistance wish to remind the United Nations and the US government of their commitment to protect Camp Liberty residents and their property, and call for taking urgent measures to prevent a large-scale theft, and a visit by residents’ legal representative Senator Torricelli to resolve the property issue.

International justice demands an immediate action by the United Nations and the Govt. of United States jointly and quickly to help in this issue and ensure that the Govt. of Iraq should not succeed in grabbing the prope


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