UN Secretary General’s quarterly report to Security Council stresses on Ashraf residents rights

“UNAMI continues to monitor the situation in Camp Ashraf in Diyala Governorate. … Although no significant outbreaks of violence have occurred during the reporting period, distrust and tensions between both sides remained, with limited cooperation regarding access to services and supplies in the camp. UNAMI, while reiterating the right of the Government of Iraq to exercise its authority over Camp Ashraf and the obligation of the camp’s residents to fully respect the law and the authority of the Government of Iraq, has continued to advocate for the residents’ unhindered access to goods and services of a humanitarian nature, as well as for their right to be protected from arbitrary mass displacement or forced repatriation against their will in violation of the universally accepted principle of non-refoulement. UNAMI remains committed to assisting both parties find an acceptable resolution to this problem.”NCRI – UN Secretary General in his quarterly report to the Security Council pursuant to Resolution 1883, Ban Ki-moon, stressed the rights of residents of Camp Ashraf, Iraq, for protection against arbitrary displacement in Iraq or forced extradition to Iran.

In this quarterly report to the Security Council, which provides an update on UN activities in Iraq during the months of March, April, and May 2010, the UNSG states:

“UNAMI continues to monitor the situation in Camp Ashraf in Diyala Governorate. … Although no significant outbreaks of violence have occurred during the reporting period, distrust and tensions between both sides remained, with limited cooperation regarding access to services and supplies in the camp. UNAMI, while reiterating the right of the Government of Iraq to exercise its authority over Camp Ashraf and the obligation of the camp’s residents to fully respect the law and the authority of the Government of Iraq, has continued to advocate for the residents’ unhindered access to goods and services of a humanitarian nature, as well as for their right to be protected from arbitrary mass displacement or forced repatriation against their will in violation of the universally accepted principle of non-refoulement. UNAMI remains committed to assisting both parties find an acceptable resolution to this problem.”

United Nations Security Council
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009)

1. In paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009), the Security Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the Council on a quarterly basis on the fulfilment of the responsibilities of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). The present report is the third submitted pursuant to that resolution.

2. The report provides an update on United Nations activities in Iraq since the last report (S/2010/76), dated 8 February 2010, with a focus on the steps taken to implement resolution 1883 (2009)…

53. UNAMI continues to monitor the situation in Camp Ashraf in Diyala Governorate. In recent months, Iraqi security forces have not made any further attempt to relocate members of the Peoples Mujahedin of Iran resident in the camp. Although no significant outbreaks of violence have occurred during the reporting
period, distrust and tensions between both sides remained, with limited cooperation regarding access to services and supplies in the camp.

54. UNAMI, while reiterating the right of the Government of Iraq to exercise its authority over Camp Ashraf and the obligation of the camp’s residents to fully respect the law and the authority of the Government of Iraq, has continued to advocate for the residents’ unhindered access to goods and services of a humanitarian nature, as well as for their right to be protected from arbitrary mass displacement or forced repatriation against their will in violation of the universally accepted principle of non-refoulement. UNAMI remains committed to assisting both parties find an acceptable resolution to this problem.

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