UN must end Liberty medical siege, Australian group demands

The United Nations must take action to end the Iraqi blockade of urgent medical supplies urgently needed by the residents of Camp Liberty, Australian supporters of a free Iran have demanded.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the Association to Defend Freedom and Human Rights in Iran called for an immediate end to the ‘anti-human medical siege’ of the camp.

They wrote: “We have been writing to you continuously on different occasions, concerned about the harsh situation of the Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.

We have been informed with utter disappointment that a residents of Camp Liberty, Mr Mohammad Babaei, died yesterday due to the inhuman medical siege caused by the Iraqi government.

“Prevention of free access to medical services and delays in treatment of patients has thus led to the death of 19 residents of Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, and this deadly situation should be stopped immediately.

“It has been several months since Major Ahmed Khozair was employed in Camp Liberty and he has imposed a brutal sieges on patients and their treatments. Ahmed Khozair has been blocking the patients attendance with their specialists and preventing patients from purchasing medication which has been specifically prescribed by the doctors.

“We believe the Iraqi Prime Minister, Maliki and those who are part of this killing machine such Ahmed Khozair must face the consequences of their crime against humanity, underscoring the fact that these criminal measures are prosecutable and punishable at an international level.

“The Association to Defend Freedom and Human Rights in Iran warns of the consequences of this anti-human medical siege and calls on the United Nations, the United States government and the Australian government to take urgent action to end this blockade and terminate the ill-treatment of Camp Liberty residents.

“We call on you to take immediate action against these unjustified crimes on the vulnerable people of Camp Liberty. We urge you to act instantly on this life- threatening situation by taking firm and urgent measures.
“We need to ensure that the Maliki government will not pave the way for another massacre. We should not turn a blind eye to these inhumane scenes.”

The letter from committee member Mohammad Sadeghpour was also sent to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, EU High Commissioner Baroness Catherine Ashton, US Secretary of State John Kerry, Ms Navi Pillay of the UNHCHR and UN Special Rapporteur Dr Ahmad Shaheed.

Camp Liberty in Iraq houses thousands of members of Iranian opposition the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who have leaved for decades at Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

Some 2,900 residents are recognized by the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees as asylum seekers that entitled to protection.

The residents have target numerous attacks by Iraqi forces at the behest of the Iranian regime that killed and injured many residents.

Monday afternoon, April 28, another PMOI member passed away due to Cardiac Arrest at the Iraqi clinic at Camp Liberty. Iraqi forces had deliberately delayed his transfer to hospital for treatment.

Mr. Mohammad Babaii is the 19th PMOI member to have died because of the inhumane medical blockade imposed on the residents of the camp by the Iraqi government and the lack of access to hospital and medical treatment.

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