UN envoy wants Iraq to allow UN observers to monitor Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The United Nations Secretary-General Special Representative for Iraq, Ad Melkert, called on Baghdad on Friday at a UN Security Council debate to allow an opportunity for the UN mission to monitor the situation in Camp Ashraf, following a deadly attack by Iraqi forces on the camp’s residents.

Below is a transcript of Mr. Melkert’s comments.

“I’d like to thank you for this opportunity to brief the Council on the implementation of UNAMI’s mandate and the situation in Iraq.

“Mr. President, the call for change in Iraq also reflects people’s demands for stronger and more systematic observance of fundamental human rights. Whilst the government explicitly upheld the principle of the rights to demonstrate, violent incidents took place in different parts of the country resulting in the death and many injuries of many Iraqi citizens. On a number of occasions, restrictions were placed on effective participation in demonstrations and on free reporting by the media. I hope that the relevant authorities will look into these incidents and take steps to ensure that these basic rights are protected. For its part UNAMI is working closely with the Council of Representatives and the government towards the establishment of an independent high commission for human rights. As the law is already in place, we have been requested now to assist with the recruitment of members and advise on best practice. As we are speaking Mr. President, UNAMI is concerned over reports of recent violent incidents in Camp Ashraf resulting in death and injuries.

“I reiterate that efforts are needed to stop violence and aim at peacefully resolving all issues and I’d like to call on the government of Iraq to enable a UNAMI mission to monitor the situation on the ground.”

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