Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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UN and US should stand up to their values and commitments towards Iranian dissidents in Iraq

NCRI – At the session of the UN Security Council on Tuesday, July 16, Martin Kobler, who ends his mandate in Iraq, demonized the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty, who have been victimized, in favor of the Government of Iraq and the clerical regime in Iran.

He repeated his ludicrous fabrications, which had previously been exposed in numerous personal and joint letters by more than 3,000 Iranian exiles who are residing at Camp Liberty near Baghdad and despite repeated assurances by the UN and US, they have been subject to three rocket attacks by the agents of the Iranian regime in recent months, killing 10 of the dissidents and wounding 170.

Martin Kobler pinned blame on the victims and the camp leadership, accusing them of violating the rights of the residents and even preventing them from accessing medical services.

Mr Kobler’s disgusting and intense appreciation of Iraq’s al-Maliki regime and exoneration of its role in the rocket attacks on Liberty is a blatant green light for another bloodbath.

Mrs Maryam Rajavi, , the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance strongly condemned Kobler’s deceitful efforts to present false reports to the Security Council and the UN Secretary-General.
She urged Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as the international guardian of the RtoP (Responsibility to Protect) principle, to send an international fact-finding mission to Camp Liberty and open the camp to journalists, lawyers and Parliamentarians in order to end the blood trade and the suffering of the refugees at a camp described by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions as a prison.

Mrs Rajavi warned that after Kobler paved the way for a fifth massacre of the defenseless residents, the only solution to the pressing security situation for the Liberty residents is their immediate return to Camp Ashraf.

Simultaneous with the session hundreds of Iranian American rallied outside the United Nations Headquarters calling for guaranteeing the rights of Iranian refugees in Iraq, members of the opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
Protestors strongly condemned the remarks Martin Kobler at the UN Security Council and urged the UN to pressure Iraqi government to open Camp Liberty to outside observers to prove the bogus nature of his claims.
A number of dignitaries including former Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), Nontombi Naomi Tutu, daughter of Bishop Desmond Tutu, and Col. Wesley Martin, former commandant of Camp Ashraf, Iraq addressed the rally.

“The UN should reject the statement of Martin Kobler, or else the UN will become complicit with the lies of Martin Kobler, and if the UN becomes complicit with the lies of Martin Kobler, and there is another attack on Camp Liberty as has been threatened to happen, there is going to be blood on the hands of the UN Security Council,” former Congressman Patrick Kennedy said.

Ms. Tutu, a renowned human rights activist added that the United Nations and the United States were responsible for the protection of Camp Liberty residents, because it was they who insisted that the residents relocate from Ashraf. UN and the US should stand up to their values and commitments.

General Hugh Shelton former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote in an article in Rollcall on the same day: “The United States — yes, the United States, not the European Union, not the UN — at this point has made two guarantees to the MEK residents at Liberty and the 100 still at Camp Ashraf.”

” First, in 1994, the United States guaranteed the protection of the residents when they agreed to disarm and secondly the United States promised they would be safe when they agreed to move from Camp Ashraf to the concentration camp-like facility called Camp Liberty. The U.S. also promised to work hard to ensure rapid resettlement from the hellhole known as Liberty to other countries, including the United States. The United States is clearly in breach of its agreements and international obligations, as well as written guarantees that it provided each resident in 2004 — to protect them until their final disposition.”

He added: ” As an individual who fought for 38 years to protect the human rights and also provide an opportunity for freedom in such places as Vietnam, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, it pains me to see my government turn its back and to display such indifference — and most of all, to ignore its commitment and its promises. That is not the American way.”