Time for action regarding Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty in Iraq

By: Horst Telchik, former adviser to Chancellor Helmut Kohl and former president of Munich Conference
The time has come for the German Federal Government to act regarding 3100 men and women who are in danger in camp Liberty. The time has come for the politicians who continuously talk about the human rights, humanity and justice to turn their words into action.

But there is a strange silence in almost all parties, even in Green party despite having Iranian staff, and maybe this is the reason.

These 3100 are members of the Iranian oppostion movement, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), whose members arm resisted against Shah’s tyranical regime. Many of their leaders were arrested and later executed. after the overthrow of Shah in 1979, they formed resistance against mullahs’ dicattorship especially Khomeini. Again, the PMOI members were imprisoned, tortured and executed. The regime tried to distort their face in the international public opinion as terrorist.

In judicial proceedings in the courts of European Union, France and Britain, classification of the PMOI/MEK as a terrorist organization was defeated. Until recently, the PMOI was in the State Department’s list during Secretary Clinton term in the office, the PMOI was removed from the list.

Members of the PMOI have been refugees in Iraq for 25 years during which the built camp Ashraf. But during two attacks by th eIraqi government against the camp, 50 residents were killed, more than 1100 men and women were injured. The camp was seiged for four and half years and 300 loudspekers were making noise ceaselessly.

Last year, the Iraqi government forced the residents of Ashraf to relocate to camp Liberty where th esituation was worse in this very small place. Martin Kobler, the UN envoy in Iraq, promised to the residents and to public that camp Liberty meets international standards. Meanwhile, camp liberty was attacked with a deadly rocket strike. 8 residents were killed among whom 3 should have been accepted by Germany. 100 other men and women were injured. This rocket attack was strongly condemned by the UN, the EU high representative Ms. Ashton, and by the government of the US, France, Italy, Norway and Australia. The government of Nouri Maliki which is tied politically to the mullahs’ regime and is responsible for the security of the camp said it cannot prevent further missile attacks on the camp.

Therefore, it is time that the UN High Commissariat for Refugees declare Liberty as a refugee camp and give international protection to the refugees in the camp. 3 of the who are now killed had residentcy of Germany. Why do we need so much time for beurocratic processes? Several months for checking and making decision again? All o fthese people their refugee status are recognized. This status include Hamid Rabi who was severly injured and was in need o ftreatment in Germany. He lost his life because of German embassy refused an approval stamp [on his passport] or to issue a visit permit for him. This is a disgrace and its cry goes to the heavens.

Public statements to express sadness, outrage and hatred of this terrorist act and noting the responsibiltiy of the Maliki government in Iraq is of no use. The residents want to be free. They want to have security. When the interior ministry and the foreign ministry do no undertake any responsibility and accountabiltiy, in this situation Mrs Chancellor Merkel must decide, because Iranian have the right to live even if they resorted to armed struggle against clearly opperessiove regimes and must be entitled to this right in a country like Germany.

– First published in German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung

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