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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsThe mullahs’ disinformation campaign regarding alleged cooperation of PMOI/MEK with ISIS

The mullahs’ disinformation campaign regarding alleged cooperation of PMOI/MEK with ISIS

Preparation of the ground for massacre of Liberty residents

The Iranian clerical regime’s campaign to spread false information about the cooperation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) with ISIS, which started since the early days of the recent Iraq crisis, continues.

The goal is clearly preparing the ground for a large scale massacre Iranian refugees, members of PMOI (MEK), in Camp Liberty.

The Iranian resistance has warned about it in past few weeks in various letters and statements (including July 5 and 7 statements).The stance of the PMOI (MEK), the NCRI and Liberty residents against terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism has been very clear in the past three decades. They never had any relationship with groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and have repeatedly condemned crimes of these terrorist groups. By launching a fear campaign, the mullahs attempt to label any opposition to the growing meddling of the clerical regime in Iraq and the recognition of the rights of the oppressed people of Iraq as supporting ISIS. Under the cover of fighting against ISIS, the mullahs try to justify and legitimatize their meddling in Iraq. It is no coincidence that after the large gathering of the Iranian resistance on June 27 in Paris and the strong positions of the most prominent American, European, and Arab dignitaries against Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq, the mullahs have intensified their disinformation campaign including by using non-Iranian agents.

Official website of state TV and radio known as news network (Shabakeh Khabar), in a news story titled “Behind the alliance of hypocrites (PMOI) and ISIS” quoted a well-known French agent of the regime, Thierry Mayssan, as saying “PMOI elements have been fighting since three months ago alongside ISIS group in Syria and Iraq, and the French government dispatches French officers to train PMOI terrorist group and ISIS in Syria and Iraq…The French secret service along with CIA and Mossad intend to spread insecurity within the Iranian borders using PMOI and Takfiris”.

Thierry Maysan, whom the clerical regime calls a French specialist regularly travels to Iran and previously claimed the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States have been organized by the US intelligence services. In his December 2012 meeting with Habilian Association, a branch of the MOIS, in a ridiculous lie he claimed that Francois Mitterrand’s wife ordered the sale of blood contaminated with the AIDS virus to the PMOI to be injected to its members to annihilate them!

In late June, the mullahs’ media widely quoted “Iraqi intelligence sources” as saying, “120 members of the PMOI along with ISIS and the remnants of Saddam’s regime are fighting in Mosul … They have entered Mosul from France and several western countries”. Abbas al-Bayati, a Member of Iraqi Parliament close to Maliki repeated these lies on July 1st and said: “The Iraqi government will give them a decisive response.” On July 5 Awad Al-Awady, another agent of the mullahs in Iraq’s parliament said “PMOI’s joining with ISIS is a threat to the security of Iraq,” and “the Iraqi government has the right to issue an international arrest warrant through Interpol against PMOI’s leadership”. On July 6 the Iraqi newspaper Al-Aalam, affiliated to Maliki, wrote: “PMOI members have been fighting alongside ISIS in Syria and Iraq since three months ago.”

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran with regards to this evil campaign draws the public attention to the following points: 
1 – As mentioned above, the PMOI, the NCRI and Liberty residents has never had any relation with ISIS. The Iranian resistance has never interfered in the internal affairs of Iraq and believes that the Iraqi people should decide about their future. Thus, the Iranian Resistance has always opposed meddling of the Iranian regime in Iraq, and it has constantly exposed the regime destructive meddling in Iraq. The Iranian resistance distinguishes between the legitimate aspirations of the Iraqi people who are oppressed, and an extremist group that takes advantage of this situation.

2 – Remarks by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, in the huge gathering of Iranians in Paris on June 27 in the presence of 600 parliamentarians and prominent political figures, especially former U.S. senior officials leaves no ambiguity. She said: “The Iranian regime made vain attempts to confront the Iraqi people’s uprising by characterizing the rebellion of millions of Iraqis as terrorism and actions of extremist groups. This was while tribal leaders and the people of Iraq have for weeks repeatedly condemned any form of extremism and terrorism as well as any assault and aggression against civilians. The have underscored that they themselves had been at war with terrorism and Al-Qaeda in Iraq previously and are prepared to do so again. But, one cannot ignore the terrorism by the Maliki government and the Iranian regime, which is the root cause of this situation. She added, ” there is widespread consensus internationally that the current state of affairs in Iraq emanates from Maliki’s authoritarian and suppressive policies. Therefore, there is only one solution, and that is to oust Maliki, to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq and to establish a democratic and inclusive government instead”.

3 – For the PMOI, itself Shiite, stories such as Islamic caliphate and crimes such as blowing up Shiites’ and other religions’ worship places are not only inhumane, but serves the aims of the mullahs’ regime and fuels the Sunni-Shiite conflict. President of Al-Arabiya television network on July 6 wrote: “In our opinion, both in Syria and in Iraq, the Iran’s ruling Mullahs regime is a purported enemy but secret ally of ISIS. Everyone knows that Al Qaeda and ISIS, despite their largely anti-Shiite culture never targeted the interests of the clerical regime anywhere.”

4. The aforementioned fabrications are part and parcel of mullahs’ conspiracy to annihilate Camp Liberty residents. On June 26, Maliki sent a delegation to Tehran to request military assistance and support for his third term as prime minister. In return, the Iranian regime’s officials demanded the ratcheting up of suppression against Camp Liberty. Three officers who participated in the Ashraf massacres in the years of 2009, 2011 and 2013, along with agents of the Iraqi intelligence, were stationed at a place in proximity to Camp Liberty. A number of agents of the terrorist Quds Force who cannot speak Arabic are present at this center with them. Recently, the Iraqi forces and the Iranian regime’s agents have set up check points at 14 points around Camp Liberty and the machineguns in these stations aim at the residents inside the camp.

5. The demonizing campaign of mullahs against the Iranian Resistance is nothing new. On June 14, 2014, Fars, the IRGC news agency, wrote on the Iraq crisis that one should not “forget the potency and effectiveness of psychological operation; a tactic that the Syrian regime has also attained good results from”. During this period, as has always been the case with the regime of Iran, this regime has attempted to portray to U.S., UN and European countries through the Iraqi government and other “intermediaries” that PMOI  (MEK)supports ISIS and has connections with it. Similarly a decade ago, in order to keep the PMOI  (MEK)on the terrorist list, the clerical regime claimed that Ashraf residents send women for suicide operations to Karbala and are planning to blow up U.S. facilities in the Green Zone. These nonsense have been proven void of any truth in the United States court. In 2003 and prior, the Iranian regime alleged that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction are hidden in PMOI (MEK) bases. previously, the killing of Christian pastors in 1994, blowing up the shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad the same year, the massacre in Mecca and setting Kabeh on fire in July 1987, as well as hundreds of other crimes, all committed by the Iranian intelligence and the IRGC, were blamed on the PMOI.

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran once again warns of the ominous plots by the mullahs’ regime to carry out another bloodbath in Camp Liberty. Given the repeated and written commitments of the United States and the United Nations concerning the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents, calls for urgent action for protection of Camp Liberty.

National Council of Resistance of Iran, Foreign Affairs Committee 
July 13, 2014