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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsThe Liberty residents consider the UNAMI reports as biased and call for...

The Liberty residents consider the UNAMI reports as biased and call for an investigation

Camp Liberty -48

Residents of camp Liberty in a statement signed by all the residents (over 1,900 persons)

conveyed their concern about the UNAMI’s biased fact sheet dated, August 23 on the situation in the camp and expressed their concern that these reports only lead to worsening their repression and increased pressures by the Government of Iraq (GoI).

The statement pointed out: “While the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention described camp Liberty as a prison, UNAMI described it as a paradise in which the residents have more benefits than Iraqi citizens.

The residents added: “We have been homeless for about six months not on our choosing and were moved from our home for 25 years in Ashraf and brought to Liberty based on unsubstantiated promises.

The statement exposed in 10 points the deceptions by the fact sheet and stated, “The reports describe the two massacres of July 2009 and April 2011, which resulted in 49 killed and 1000 injured as Camp Ashraf residents’ “clashes with Iraqi security forces” to whitewash the crimes against humanity. The fact sheet conceals the bitter reality  that the control of camp Liberty is in the hands of Sadegh Mohammed Kazem, from Iraq Prime Minister’s office, who is one of the main culprits in both massacres and is under indictment by Spanish Court.

The UNAMI fact sheet claimed the existence of “numerous recreational spaces” in camp Liberty and states that the “residents are free to undertake renovation projects with the approval of camp management”. Even Mr. Kobler when visiting Liberty emphasized that rocky lands at the camp  have the potential of being built into recreational areas with heavy expenses. This is while the GoI has so far prevented any construction, including even a canopy or a porch.
Statement added: “The GoI has so far not provided a Watt of electricity or a drop of water to the residents. During the past six months with immense efforts and expenses,  the residents have managed to supply the minimum water and electricity for Liberty. The GoI has not done anything in this regard. About 100 residents have been toiling round the clock with limited number of water tankers to bring water from 12 kilometers away to Liberty.

The report claimed at camp Liberty ” electricity is currently provided by 19 generators.” During the past six months the residents have spent over $ 2,395,745.00 for fuel for the wornout generators at camp Liberty. These generators have twice the fuel consumption with only 40% output.

The  residents like to know if the UNAMI report about camp Liberty is authentic why is the Iraqi government preventing the entry of European parliamentarians, US Congressmen, human rights organizations, lawyers of the residents and journalists from visiting Liberty, and why has Mr. Kobler kept silent in this regard.  The residents of camp Liberty call on the Secretary-General to appoint an impartial personal representative to be sent to Liberty to investigate on this issue.