The Iraqi Committee in Defense of Ashraf calls for ending the siege on Ashraf

NCRI- The Iraqi Committee in Defense of Ashraf has issued a statement calling for the lifting of the siege on Ashraf. The committee is made up of Iraqi political figures, lawmakers, tribal leaders, and academics.

Ashraf City, north of Baghdad in Iraq, is home to approximately 3,500 residents who are members of the main Iranian democratic opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The statement reads in part: “About a month ago, the unjust siege and restrictions against Ashraf residents were imposed. These all take place in violation of Iraq’s international obligations, humanitarian principles, and the Iraqi people’s tradition of generosity and hospitality which are among the most cherished values in the Arab and Islamic culture.

“For the past three months, various foreign delegations, including close to 50 parliamentarians and foreign personalities from 11 European countries and the US, have been barred from visiting Ashraf, and are still awaiting agreements to travel to Iraq. The residents’ Iraqi lawyers and international jurists have so far been prevented from visiting Iraq, and journalists who come to Ashraf have on some occasions been arrested.

“These measures serve an extensive propaganda campaign against Ashraf residents meant to prepare the groundwork for their suppression. There is no doubt about the Iranian regime’s direct involvement in carrying out this campaign.

“The Iraqi Committee in Defence of Ashraf condemns the siege on Ashraf residents, and urges all international authorities and the US embassy, which has transferred the protection of Ashraf to Iraqi forces after receiving specific assurances, to adopt immediate measures to lift the illegal siege, end the inhuman pressures, and prevent the Iranian regime from meddling in this sensitive and humanitarian case.”

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