The Iranian regime uses water as a leverage to pressure Iraqis into expelling Ashraf residents

NCRI – Narmin Othman, Iraq’s Minister of Environment, said at a news conference in Karbala that the Iranian regime is decreasing the water quota in the rivers of Karoon and Sirvan as a card against to pressure the Iraqi government, the al-Baghdadieh TV reported on Monday.

The TV station added that Othman referred to the presence of members of the main Iranian opposition, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in Iraqi territory and said the purpose of the Iranian regime’s action is to corner the Iraqi government in the eyes of its people in order to force it to expel the Iranian opposition from Iraq.

Also on Monday, al-Soumariya TV reported that the Iraqi President, Jalal Talebani, summoned the clerical regime's ambassador in Baghdad to voice protest over the decrease or blocking of water coming from Iranian rivers into Iraq.

The Iraqi TV channel said: “The presidential Council called a meeting with the Security and Defense Committee of the Parliament especially after an increase of violence in recent days. At the session the issue of the shortage of water and problems with Turkey and Iran in this regard were discussed.”

The Iraqi president, whose comments were broadcast by al-Soumariya, said: “We discussed the water issue and ask the Water Ministry to contact Turkish brothers to speed up an increase in the water quota for Iraq. … However, there are profound worries about water when it comes to the Iranian side and I have ordered the summoning of the Iranian ambassador to convey our worries about the blocking of water in some rivers that flow from Iran into Iraq in central and southern areas.”

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