Swiss committee deplores attack on Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The Swiss Committee in Defense of Ashraf has released a statement strongly condemning the recent attack by the Iranian regime’s agents backed by Iraqi suppressive forces against Camp Ashraf, where 3,400 members of the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside.

The statement by the Swiss committee, which is chaired by  Nils de Dardel recalled that during the January 7 attack, the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the residents in Ashraf, injuring 176 residents, including 91 women.


The statement also said that Ashraf is still under a complete siege by the Iraqi government, with the inflow of basic necessities and access to medical care restricted, especially as it pertains to the treatment of patients in critical condition.

More than 180 powerful loudspeakers have also been set up around the camp, blaring threats and aggravating noise on a 24-hour basis to psychologically harass the residents, the statement said.

The Swiss committee underscored the increasing number of arrests of political dissidents inside Iran and said despite a growing wave of international condemnations, the regime still hands down long-term prison sentences to opponents and especially supporters of the PMOI and families of Ashraf residents, some of whom have been either executed or on death row.

The committee called on the UN Secretary General, the UN Security Council and the United States to intervene urgently by adopting measures to end the ongoing organized violence by the Iranian regime, backed fully by the Iraqi government, against the residents of Ashraf, and to lift restrictions on Ashraf while ensuring the treatment of patients in the camp.

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