Swedish TV reports on Camp Ashraf

NCRI – Sweden’s Channel 4 broadcast a report on Thursday about the vicious July attack of Iraqi forces against Iranian dissidents north of Baghdad. The story included images of the attack, which led to the killing of 11 camp residents, including 2 Swedish citizens.

Below is a transcript of the report by Sweden’s Channel 4 which was broadcast on Thursday, September 10, 2009.

Anchor: The atmosphere is anything but calm for Iranian exiles, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

A number of PMOI supporters have launched a hunger strikes starting 32 days ago at Stockholm’s Sergel Square.

Asefeh (a resident of Camp Ashraf): The Iraqi forces are still present on our streets and prevent our families from entering the camp. There is not enough food allowed into the camp. Food is not sufficient for everyone.

On July 28, Iraqi forces attacked Camp Ashraf, which belongs to the Iranian opposition PMOI. The raid led to 11 deaths, among them 2 Swedish citizens. The images you are seeing now show the manner in which Iraqi forces sought to enter the camp.

Asefeh: Iraqi forces attacked defenseless individuals in Ashraf with axes, knives, clubs and guns. 11 people died. My brother was among them. He was shot in the heart.

Anchor: In 2003, the US obtained the PMOI’s weapons and in exchange vowed to protect the roughly 3,500 people living in Camp Ashraf. However, now that the situation has taken a turn for the worst, it has failed to react. By transferring security to Iraq, the US has relinquished its protection of the residents.

Iraq is exerting pressure to expel them and has carried out attacks. It has killed 11 and taken 36 hostage.

One of the hunger strikers in Sweden: We want Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and Prime Minister Reinfeldt to shoulder more responsibilities when it comes to human rights in Iran.

Anchor: You have been on hunger strike for the past 32 days. What is your goal?

Hunger striker: We want the world to pay more attention to this issue.

Anchor: How is your health at the moment?

Hunger striker: I’m not well physically. I am gradually losing my sight and hearing.


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