Swedish Foreign Minister: We expressed our concerns regarding Ashraf to the Iraqis

NCRI – Swedish News Agency, April 14 reported, the United Nations confirmed that it has seen bodies of 34 people who were killed last week during the military attack by government forces against Camp Ashraf.

They were members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who described the attack as a massacre.


The Iraqi government says they have to leave Iraq prior to the end of the year. Some of those killed had Swedish citizenship.

Expressing his concerns regarding the event at Camp Ashraf, Carl Bildt, the Swedish Foreign Minister, said: We have asked the Iraqi government for further information as to what happened at Camp Ashraf and we have expressed our concerns in this regard.

For a long time, tensions have been at such attention-drawing levels and conditions for this circumstance existed.

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