Statement of the Council of Sheikhs of al-Radhvania, al-Ameria, and al-Naimia in Iraqi al-Anbar Province in support of European Parliament’s plan

Guaranteed protection of Camp Ashraf by UN and U.S.

More than 2 months has passed since the attack on Ashraf which bought pain and anguish to the hearts of millions of Iraqis and people worldwide. We had repeatedly warned prior to the attack that the rights of Camp Ashraf residents were being violated. We say that they have been Iraqi people’s guests for decades and are protected persons under international agreements and laws, especially under the Fourth Geneva Convention. We consider the United States and the United Nations directly responsible for this situation.


Fortunately, in order to find a peaceful solution for Ashraf’s issue, a European Parliament’s delegation visited Iraq and then proposed an acceptable plan for resolution of Ashraf’s problem. We, in the Council of al-Anbar Sheikhs, support the European plan, and consider its conditions logical and reasonable for solving this crisis.

We emphasize that during the process of carrying out this plan, UN and U.S. should guarantee protection of Camp Ashraf residents. Our council is also against any relocation of Ashraf residents inside Iraq.

We also call for provisioning medical necessities and services for treatment of Camp Ashraf wounded; similarly, we call for an independent investigation of the crimes perpetrated on April 8 and for returning Ashraf residents’ stolen belongings.

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