Statement by National Center for Justice regarding the Spanish National Court’s writ for summoning Nouri al-Maliki massacre of Camp Ashraf residents

The National Center for Justice is informed of the Spanish National Court’s order summoning Nouri al-Maliki, Ali Ghaydan, and other officers who participated in the April 8 massacre of Camp Ashraf residents and considers the Court’s order a major victory for justice and human rights in Iraq. This is the first step for bringing to trial those who have had a role in all killings and crimes in Iraq during the last eight years and imagined that they could evade justice.

Although since Maliki took power there have been several massacres in various regions of Iraq and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed by forces supported by Maliki and millions of Iraqis have been forced to leave their homes, but all protests against these anti-human crimes either faced suppression, or were silenced by the promise of forming an investigation committee and as such, the crimes were forgotten and the torture and murders that were taking place in Maliki’s secret prisons were never investigated or questioned.

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