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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsSanabargh Zahedi: Talebani’s statement regarding closure of Ashraf is an insult to...

Sanabargh Zahedi: Talebani’s statement regarding closure of Ashraf is an insult to people of Iraq

Aljazeera Television reported on June 24 that: “In response to the decision [Talebani’s statement about Iraqi government’s decision for closing Camp Ashraf during Tehran’s conference on fighting terrorism] Sanabargh Zahedi, Chairman of the Judicial Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said that President Jalal Talebani’s statement regarding closure of People’s Mojahedin camp is an insult to the people of Iraq because it is a decision dictated by the Iranian regime.

 In Aljazeera’s news program, Zahedi added: The decision for closing Ashraf is aimed at preventing direct investigation of government’s crimes against Mojahedin.

“Chairman of NCRI’s Judiciary Committee said: The announcement for closure of Ashraf at the end of this year is because the Iranian regime in collusion with the Maliki government wants to cover up the crimes that they committed last April against Ashraf residents, which as you reported, left 36 people dead and 350 residents wounded.

This action, or more accurately, this initiative is taken to cover up those crimes, especially after the international community is continuously demanding a comprehensive, independent and unbiased investigation about these crimes. To escape such investigation, Maliki says he wants to close the camp. Additionally, it is not only the international community that calls for an investigation, the Iraqi people also call for it.”