Robert Torricelli: Attack on Liberty was an attack on UN and its members



NCRI – Former Democratic senator Robert Torricelli also told a conference at the French National Assembly that the Iranian Resistance and its leader Maryam Rajavi were the single best hope to overturn the extremist regime and rebuild a secular and democratic Iran.

He said: “Iran is waging war against the world every day and it is not waiting for nuclear weapons. It has waged war against its own people, consuming thousands of lives, for thirty years. It is waging war against the people of Syria, innocent people in Africa, it has consumed thousands of lives in Iraq. Iran is at war with the civilized world, every single day.

“They are not interested in negotiating; they are not interested in peace.

“In my country, as in yours, a broad coalition has formed in support of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Not simply because it is a good alternative to the mullahs in Iran, but for a better reason. It is the only alternative. The mullahs have destroyed all internal opposition.

“As I look at the alternatives, it is not that I see few, it is not that there are many, but that there is one, the MEK. For that reason and for that reason alone, in my country as in yours, there is a rising chorus of support for the MEK to continue its fight for a free and democratic Iran and end this regime in Tehran now.”

And the attack on Camp Liberty in which seven people died was not just an attack on the residents of the camp, but on the ‘whole of the United Nations’.

He added: “The attack on Liberty was an attack on United Nations, its members, its permanent members, the Security Council, France, the United States, Britain, Russia, China and every nation that sat on that council and lend its voice to United Nations protection of the people of Liberty.

“They were not attacked, you were attacked, it was the United Nations. And I ask you, where is the outrage by the members of the Security Council that their honour, their commitment was attacked by the mullahs of Iran and the complicitors benefactors in Baghdad.”

But Iraq had admitted it could not protect Liberty, and its residents must now be returned to Ashraf as soon as possible, Mr Torricelli said.

He told delegates: “Return the people of Liberty to the one place where they can be safe, the homes they built and paid for themselves. Return them to camp Ashraf where they can live in safely.”

He also apologised on behalf of the United Nations to Liberty residents for not receiving the protection they were promised, and that lead to massacre.

He added: “We will not forget that you were let down. Until the people of the United Nations that have the decency to apologies to you, we do it for them, we are sorry for your sufferings.”

He also confessed America had made a huge mistake in allowing Al-Maliki to come to power in Iraq, telling the audience: “We have produced a government that has sold the sovereignty of its own nation to the mullahs of Iran, complicitors in the murder of innocent people, stealing the liberties of those it was sworn to defend.

“It is not an easy thing for anyone to admit they were wrong to the extent that it cost lives.  And those in Liberty are the front line of the consequences of our errors.

“All we can do is to commit ourselves to avenge it, to change the circumstances and to turn the tide back, not simply in Iraq but all the way to Tehran. For that you have our lifelong commitment, of our honour and our lives.”

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