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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsRep. Ed Royce: Iran regime ordered Camp Liberty massacre

Rep. Ed Royce: Iran regime ordered Camp Liberty massacre


NCRI – The mullahs’ regime in Iran gave the orders for a terrorist rocket attack last month on thousands of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty, near Baghdad, which left 24 refugees killed and many more injured, Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, has said.

Two dozen members of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin (PMOI or MEK) died in the terrorist rocket attack on Camp Liberty on October 29 carried out by agents of the Iranian regime.

“The crisis at Camp Liberty affects all of us here. All of us in the United States should be speaking out about this, and in a bipartisan way,” Congressman Royce said at a Congressional briefing on November 5.

“Let me just remind all policy makers and certainly everyone here today that the Iraqi government made an international commitment, a binding commitment to protect the camp’s residents. That commitment has been broken. The U.S. or the international community must demand accountability. And we demand that accountability now.”

“Clearly the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the UN and the Iraqi government does not contain strong enough protections for the residents of Camp Liberty and they must be called to account.”

“The United States must step forward and insist now treatment for all the wounded and defense and support to prevent Iranians or Iraqi militia from attacking that camp.”

“This issue is simple. This is a critical time. The U.S. position must be clear, it must be steadfast. And there’s too many optimistic statements by UN personnel frankly that carry absolutely no connection to the reality of the situation on the ground for those in Camp Liberty. And the administration and UN personnel and others have to understand the reality of the situation for these people at risk, these people who have been killed and wounded once again, once again on our watch. So international humanitarian standards must be upheld.”

“We must expedite also the resettlement in Europe and elsewhere for those seeking to be resettled. Human rights must be respected and there are universal obligations and the residents of Camp Liberty deserve no less than protections under these universal obligations.”

“And lastly, Iran must be called to account because we know at the bottom of it, at the bottom of the attacks it is the forces in Iran that give the orders to carry out these attacks.”

Related news: Rep. Ed Royce condemns Camp Liberty attack