“Prosecutors at ICC have been informed about recent attacks on Ashraf”

NCRI – The chairman of the Arab delegation in defense of Ashraf said on Monday that he has contacted the International Criminal Court (ICC) to apprise prosecutors of the recent violent attacks by the Iranian regime and its Iraqi proxies against the residents of Camp Ashraf.

Mr. Mehdi al-Atiat also said in an interview with al-Babeliya TV that, “The commander of forces stationed at Ashraf receives his orders directly from channels tied to the Iranian regime and has a direct connection to the terrorist Qods Force. We have informed international parties about this issue.”

He added, “Currently, the Arabic delegation in defense of Ashraf is calling for UNAMI to be stationed in Camp Ashraf, for Iraqi forces to be expelled, for the dismantling of a fence built separating the clinic from the camp, and also for the disbanding of a committee which is mandated with suppressing the camp.”

“The restrictions, just like the loudspeakers set up at the gate, are imposed daily against Ashraf on the orders of the Iranian regime’s embassy in Iraq.”

“We have called on all international sides to take action and we have apprised them of the situation. Today, we specifically informed prosecutors at the International Criminal Court about the daily aggressions against Ashraf.”

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