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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsProposal for a peaceful and permanent solution for Camp Ashraf

Proposal for a peaceful and permanent solution for Camp Ashraf

The following proposal, put forward by Struan Stevenson MEP, President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq, was debated on 11 May, 2011 at the Strasbourg plenary session:


The European Parliament has ratified two resolutions on Camp Ashraf on April 24, 2009 and November 25, 2010, recognizing the rights of residents of Ashraf in accordance with international treaties including the Fourth Geneva Convention. Additionally, in resolutions dated July 12, 2007 (paragraph 7) and September 4, 2008 (Paragraphs K and 9) the rights of Ashraf residents and the need for a peaceful and permanent resolution were reiterated. Following the adoption of the above mentioned four resolutions by the European Parliament, they were forwarded to authorities of Iraq, US, and UN.

As a result of these resolutions, the issue of Ashraf was placed on the agenda of the official delegation of the European Parliament during its visit to Iraq from April 26 to 29. The Iraqi government refused permission to allow the delegation to visit Ashraf. The ultimatum given to the residents to leave Camp Ashraf by the end of 2011, if not complimented with good intentions and conditions guaranteed by EU, US, and UN, not only would eliminate a permanent peaceful solution for this crisis, but also could set the stage for a new massacre.

Pre-Condition for any negotiation

In order to begin the negotiation for a long term solution, the following conditions needs to be met:
1. Removal of Iraqi forces from the perimeter of Ashraf

2. An end to the siege of Ashraf (including lifting the ban on access to journalists, parliamentary groups, lawyers and family members of the residents)

3. Immediate access of the residents in particular those wounded, to medical services of public hospitals and private clinics in Iraq at their own expense

4. An independent Inquiry by a panel of jurists being launched into the incident of April 8, 2011 during which 35 residents were killed and hundreds wounded.

5. Returning all the belongings confiscated on April 8 to Ashraf residents.


1- The delegation, while recognizing the rights of residents of Ashraf in accordance with international laws and conventions, is offering the possible repatriation of the residents to other countries such as the US, Canada, EU member states, Switzerland, Norway, and Australia, as the long term solution for this crisis.

2- This solution should include all the residents without exception in a comprehensive manner.

3- The issue of ownership and properties of Ashraf residents and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran inside Iraq will be determined in the negotiation. In the case of closure of Ashraf, settlement should be reached regarding compensation payable to residents of Ashraf.

4- From the day of initiation of negotiations for a comprehensive solution until the transfer of all the residents to third countries and the closure of Ashraf, will be considered as a “transitional Period.” In this stage, the following issues should be observed strictly so that the solution would not meet with failure:
a. A commitment by the Iraqi authorities to end all judicial provocation and restrictions on Ashraf, and respect the rights of the residents in accordance with international humanitarian law.

b. The UN and US to guarantee the protection of Ashraf.

c. Both sides completely to refrain from any propaganda, insult and allegation against each other during the transitional period.

6- In order to implement the comprehensive solution, a Committee of Coordination and Implementation would be set up, which should include representatives such as Baroness Ashton, the US, the UN, the European Parliament, the Iraqi Government, the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (representative from residents of Ashraf) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

7- In this respect the Delegation urges the US, EU, UN, the Government and Parliament of Iraq, the Arab League, the residents of Ashraf, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, and the National Council of Resistance of Iran to support this solution and provide the necessary facilities to this effect.