People of Ashraf have the right to be protected as refugees

NCRI – On October 25, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi addressed in Brussels a meeting by international jurists and lawyers in defense of People’s Mojahedin’s rights in Iraq.  Trund Naes, a Norwegian lawyer gave the following speech :

Thank you Mr. Chairman. Madam Rajavi, ladies and gentlemen; as far as I know, the people of Ashraf are also following this conference through satellite TV. So I send my best regards to all of you in Ashraf. I give my full support to what was already said by Professor [Eric] David and my colleagues.

And, as Dr. [Marc] Henzelin said at the very beginning of this meeting, the Iraqi regime did not succeed in extraditing the people of Ashraf in 2004. They must not succeed this time either. There is no doubt that extradition of the people of Ashraf will be a serious crime. Not only because they have the right to be protected as refugees, but also because they are at serious risk of violations [of their human rights] by the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

We, who are here, care for their lives. And, I can promise that we lawyers and jurists who are here today and our colleagues will do our best to prevent the Iraqi regime from sending the people of Ashraf back to Iran.

As I said, they didn’t succeed in 2004 and they will not succeed this time either. In the end, I want to say that if there is anybody from the Iraqi regime who is looking [through] the television station at Ashraf; I want to give them just a clear message, and I want to look in the camera and tell them that we follow you very closely for what you are doing. Thank you.

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