Paulo Casaca: UN is failing in Camp Liberty, Iraq

NCRI – The United Nations and its representative Martin Kobler are failing in Iraq because they are motivated by ‘cash not principles’, former MEP Paulo Casaca has said.

Kobler and UNAMI have ignored repeated warnings from the Iranian Resistance that Camp Liberty was defenceless – which have now been proved right in the wake of last week’s deadly attack, Mr Casaca said.

He told a ceremony in Paris to honour the six killed and 100 injured: “I am really deeply sorry that we have had to come for a third time here to say that an atrocious massacre took place.
“And now also to say that the promises, the guarantees that were given by the highest international authorities were absolutely hollow.  

“The Iranian Resistance predicted repeatedly that this camp had no defense whatsoever to this type of attack.  This is absolutely atrocious.”  

He praised Mr Kobler’s former assistant Tahar Boumedra for stating that one could no longer remain silent over the atrocities at Liberty.

He said: “Exactly.  To remain silent is not an option.  We cannot continue to look on and pretend nothing is happening.

“This is outrageous. This is a crime against the Iranian people and against humanity.  And we have to demand that a full and immediate investigation is carried out into what happened.”

He told the UN: “We have to say very clearly, you promised security in Liberty and you did not fulfill it.

“You have to guarantee immediately that we can come back to Ashraf.  This is something absolutely urgent.  And we have to demand a real United Nations that is based completely on its charter, on principles.  

“We do not want a United nations that is a sort of business venture.  This is not acceptable anymore.”

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