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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsPaulo Casaca – Ashraf, Target of the Iranian Regime

Paulo Casaca – Ashraf, Target of the Iranian Regime

NCRI – A European-American Conference was convened on invitation of the Friends of Free Iran intergroup in the European Parliament on February 7, in relation to the current political situation in Iran and the region, and the necessity of protecting Ashraf residents, members of the Iranian opposition.
CASACA, former member of the European Parliament: Thank you.  Mrs. President, it is really a great honor to be with Madame Maryam Rajavi and all these distinguished personalities, and all these very good friends here to speak about this momentous issue.  And allow me to begin my considerations by remembering the last time I was here just a few days ago, the 25th.  The European Parliament and its president decided to make commemoration of the (Vanzi) declaration by the time that normally it is the Day of Holocaust that is commemorated.  And in so doing it pointed out to the importance of this moment where with meticulous precision these criminals decided to mass murder whole people.

And I am remembering this because many of us already spoke about the last (Khomeini) threats.  But I think it is important to go to the detail.  Because in one article that has been widespread in several sites and journals from the Iranian regime, coming from one of his advisors, [0:02:04] (forgani), he repeats all the litany that we are accustomed to read of the cancer that has to be expiated, that has to be eliminated.  But then it goes precisely to a demographic analysis of Israel saying that in three cities, which are Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem, 60% of the Jews are living . And he further says that three (Shob) missiles, one for each of these cities, would (anniculate) all of this people.  And of course, that (Shob) missile would be able to do that if it has a nuclear warhead.  That goes without saying.  It could not do it otherwise.  So this is official saying and writing of the Iranian regime. The same regime that is claiming, and I was here for such a long time hearing time after time some of the people existing in this European Parliament repeating, “Oh, but we cannot prevent Iran from having this peaceful utilization of the nuclear energy”.  And so they are writing this. And the world is not reacting as it should.

And the reaction to this has to come exactly in Ashraf.  Because everything is linked.  What we are seeing from the Iranian regime, what they are trying to do in Ashraf, is obviously a solution that they want to apply everywhere else.  Diyala province where Ashraf is located, and that declared very short time ago its autonomy from the government, while the very same hooligans that the Iraqi regime used to attack Ashraf are now surrounding the provincial council of Diyala in (Bakouva).  And actually the members of the provincial council have run away, are in [0:04:30] in the Kurdish area that is the province held by [0:04:34].  And they actually asked me to say this to Struan, and Struan is not here but I will repeat it to him very soon.  Well, how come that Mr. Kobler that was supposed to be doing something for peace and respect, of rights in Iraq, how come he doesn’t respond, he doesn’t show, he does nothing on this?  And this is the very same Mr. Kobler that was here, the very same Mr. Kobler that is trying to convince us that we have to accept whatever it comes from the Iranian regime.  And we cannot do that.

And Struan spoke already about Mr. Guteres, and I think that we have to make really a clear mark on Mr. Guteres because his declaration of February the first was a magnificent declaration.  He said loud and clear, “No it’s not true that the UNHCR wants Ashrafis to be in Camp Liberty.  We do not need this.  This is not what we want to be able to (hear) them.  No, it’s not true that we did not say this is great thing and we did not certify the camp.  And we did not certainly never certify the forceful dislocation of Ashrafis.”  This Mr. Guteres did in a very clear way, and I think we should point this out in a very as clear as possible.

And so, my dear former colleagues, what I would like to tell you is that we have to go on.  And we have to say to people like Mr. Kobler, when he will come here, that he has to face the Iranian regime.  He cannot compromise.  He cannot come with a hidden agenda of arrangements that we do not know if and did not declare of to force Ashrafis into something that is absolutely inacceptable.  Because Ashrafis are now the target of the Iranian regime.  If they will succeed we may be absolutely sure they will not stop there.  We have to stop them right now as strongly as we can and this depends a lot on those of you here in the European Parliament, and I really would like very much that this group that you are now in front of that it will go on like always and that you will succeed.  Thank you very much.