Monday, July 22, 2024

Cross Party MPs Urge the UN Security Council to Guarantee the Minimum Rights of...

LONDON, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom On the eve of the UN Security Council meeting...

UN Should Respond Positively to the Goodwill Gestures of Ashraf Residents

HUFF POST - David Amess 6 April 2012 This Sunday marks our Easter Sunday. That is always special. But this year there are two...

Camp Ashraf dissidents brave enough to stand up to Iran must be protected by...

The Daily Mail - By Lord Carlile Of Berriew - 6 April 2012 Eight women were either shot at close range or crushed to...

A year after the massacre in Camp Ashraf, UN has to carry out its...

All Voices - By Antonio Stango Rome, Italy April 05, 2012 The phone kept ringing non-stop in the early hours of April 8 last year....

Former US Military Commanders Voice Outrage Over BBC’s Politically-motivated Campaign Against Camp Ashraf Residents

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — In a letter to the Director of Global News for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a copy of...

Sacrifice of Christ can alert us to plight of Iranians at Camp Ashraf

The Irish Times - Archbishop Alan Harper is Church of Ireland Primate of All Ireland  April 3, 2012 Overseas investment in property can aid...

Lieutenant Colonel Leo McCloskey – I Lived With Ashraf Residents for 13 Months

Lieutenant Colonel Leo McCloskey: March 24, 2012 Paris - Thank you.  Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; I’m not a professional speaker...

Colonel Wesley Martin – MEK not a threat but a Strong Ally

Colonel Wesley Martin: March 24, 2012 Paris - Thank you.  Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.  Thank you.  I appreciate it.  No one despises...

Senator Lucio Malan – Protecting Lives and Rights of People in Ashraf and Liberty

Senator Lucio Malan: March 24, 2012 Paris - Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you, thank you very much. We are here not...

Jeffery Robertson – The Unpunished Crime Against Humanity

Jeffery Robertson – March 24, 2012 Paris - I don’t have to worry about State Department threats.  My courts, the courts of Great Britain,...