Sunday, July 21, 2024

What is a UN Promise Worth? The Cost of the UN’s Games

Allan Gerson*On July 24, the United Nations issued a press release stating that its mission in Iraq, UNAMI, has presented a “roadmap” to the...

MPs reject Kobler’s “roadmap”for Ashraf residents.Press Release: British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom

Scoop: MPs reject Kobler's "roadmap"for Ashraf residentsMembers of Parliament from all Parties Wednesday evening rejected a so-called UN "roadmap" for Camp Ashraf residents which...

Appalling Conditions At Camp Liberty, Hollow Promises in Mr. Kobler’s ‘Roadmap’

New Blaze - By Lord Fraser of Carmyllie QCThe International Parliamentary Committee in Defence of Ashraf has consistently warned about the inhumane conditions in...

Arabic and Iraqi support for Ashraf and Liberty residents

Association of Egyptian Jurists in Defense of Ashrafinhumane pressures against Ashraf and Liberty residents. Egyptian Lawyers Society: The inhumane measures of the Iraqi Government...

In yet another inhuman act, the Iraqi government prevents the residents from taking in...

Liberty Communique No. 36Per orders from the Iraqi government’s representative Sadeq Mohammad Kazem, Capitan Ahmad Khazir and his plain cloth forces who have recently...

Camp Liberty Must Be Recognized As Refugee Camp

Lawmakers and policy makers demand change of policy and commitment to obligations by US and UN before further relocation of dissidents from Camp Ashraf...

Iraqi forces intend to Confiscate and Steal household appliances of...

Iraqi  forces intend to steal the household appliances and technical instruments in two containers of Ashraf residents by involving an Iraqi "judge". Containers hold...

Speech of Honorable Ed Rendell, 45th Governor of Pennsylvania and Chairman to the Democratic...

We have been trying very hard to accomplish many things.  All of you, all of us up here and the many other friends of...

Amnesty International: Iraqi security forces continued to tighten their grip on and use...

Amnesty International ReportsRapport 2012 CAMP ASHRAF Iraqi security forces continued to tighten their grip on and use violence against residents of Camp Ashraf, some...

Bahrin Parliament Strongly Denounces Human Rights Violations in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty

04 : 38 PM - 24/05/2012 Manama, May 24. (BNA) – The Representatives Council has condemned in the strongest terms the Iraqi regime's serious...